Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A shout-out to UntoldBook12 who is always checking on me and reminding that I have readers waiting on me. Thank you for your support, your lovely messages and your youthfulness. You inspired this early update.

To all my other readers, I love you guys too. You know that, right? I wouldn't be writing this story if it wasn't for you all:)

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


Of all the days for her to sleep in, it had to be today.

She practically flew through the kitchen, gathering supplies, preparing batter and readying the oven for baking all the while suppressing the urge to curse out loud. She was supposed to help Kurenai with preparing for Mirai's birthday party. Her sensei was going to be so pissed at her and she wouldn't blame her either because what kind of god-mother forgot to set up alarm on their god-child's birthday? Her apparently.

Throwing the cake pan into the oven, she rushed towards her room to prepare for the day. In less than half an hour, she had bathed, brushed and changed into new clothes. The Hyuuga maids watched in amazement as Hinata galloped down the stairs and disappeared into the kitchen only to appear a moment later with a box in her hands and another, wrapped in shiny paper, tucked under her armpit. She passed them by at speed that left then reeling and staring the way she had left.

As she navigated through the streets of konoha, Hinata was torn between feeling grateful for her ninja skills and being scornful. If it was not for them, she would've bumped into at least ten people today. Then again, she wouldn't be in this mess if she weren't a shinobi. Curse all those late night watch duties.

Coming to a stop at her sensei's, she banged at the door all the while trying to get her erratic heart to calm down. She held her breath when she heard the clicking of the latch unfastening. The door opened to reveal an annoyed Kurenai. "You're late."

Hinata passed her to enter. "I know and I'm extremely sorry. I forgot to set up my alaram but I'm here now. I will get everything ready by afternoon." She set the cake down onto the kitchen counter while Kurenai relaxed against the door frame. "So where do we start?"

Kurenai shook her head. "Just relax Hina. Everything's taken care of."

Hinata paused her search for parchment paper and turned to the older female. "Taken care of? How?"

As if answering her question, Sasuke materialized at the door. "Kurenai, we're out of ballo- Hyuuga?"

If Sasuke's emergence wasn't a shocker for Hinata, his appearance sure as hell was. Clad in loose, dark pants and tank top, a limp ol' piece of rubber balloon dangling off his mouth, he looked - dare she say - casual. Nothing like the agitated, angry boy she had a fight with not very long ago. A flicker of embarrassment crossed his face when she refused to look away. So he straightened, pulled the rubber balloon out of his mouth and hardened his features. "You're here."

"I am." She replied through tightened lips. Betrayal tasted bitter on her tongue. Hinata knew that her sensei and the lone Uchiha were acquainted but for her to turn to him in her time of need, that went beyond her definition of 'acquaintances'. Not that she suspected that the two had something... else going on but she already had to compete with Shikamaru for that level of closeness that children wanted with their parents. It was somewhat selfish and thoroughly childish of her to think that way but she couldn't help it. She loved her sensei for her part in her life. She felt competitive when it came to sharing her.

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