Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I know, I know it's been over a year since I last update but so much has happened since then. I lost all my writings, been through some family issues and finally graduated. It's been really hard to get back into the game but I'm doing better than before. I've been dealing with my anxiety and it's gotten better with the completion of my course. I do plan on continuing this story. Just wish me luck.

I'm sorry and I love you all. Here's another installment.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

There weren't many things that could shake Hinata's patience, but in that moment, she seriously considered walking out on Naruto.

Instead, she decided on sipping her water and pass the waiter an apologetic smile who turned away with his notepad in hand.

Hinata singed and looked up at the wall clock for the umpteenth time that evening. Twenty-four minutes and eighteen seconds - that's how long he was gone.

Not gone per say, she could hear his loud laugh and boisterous voice from several meters away, blinding his sparkly eyed fans with his even shinier personality. And that tore Hinata between wanting to be happy for him or resenting him. He had always wanted to be acknowledged by the village. Before Sasuke became the centre of his struggles, that was what he worked to achieve. And now that he had it, both his brother and his dream, Hinata couldn't help but be selfish. And it was wrong because Naruto always supported her on what she wanted. And she did too, Kami knew, Hinata knew he deserved the world but not at the expense of their relationship. Between his missions and training to take the hokage mantle, there was only so much time they could spend together. And that too was mostly taken up by his inconsiderate fans. Fan girls more like it.

She finally saw him speed walking towards her, brimming with happiness reflected in that brilliant smile and Kami, it hurt. He was so beautiful. It pained her to be mad it him. "Sorry 'bout that." He slipped into the seat before her. "Did you order?"

"No. I didn't know if you would be available before the restaurant closed." Naruto winced at the bite in her words but didn't say anything otherwise which angered her further. Silence hung, replete with unease as their food arrived. Hinata didn't get angry often but when she did, Naruto tended to leave her to her devices and cool down because he didn't know how to handle. In his defense, Hinata didn't offer him much practice.

She didn't even have dessert after they were done, wanting to just go home and Naruto didn't insist. And he should have. He should've forced her to have their blueberry cheesecake that she absolutely loved. She would've refused a few times but eventually complied, not sharing the treat with him. She would've simmered down by the time they left and Naruto would finally have the courage to apologize. She'd have forgiven him by the time they got home and they'd have kissed and then cuddled before finally drifting off in each other's arms.

But things didn't unfold the way she wanted. Naruto decided to not address the issue which was a foolish decision because by the time the apartment building came into view, Hinata was seething.

The blond unlocked the door and took off his shoes to arrange them neatly at the entrance. Before he could up and disappear into the bedroom, Hinata stopped him. "So you're going to bed, just like that? Do you not think I at least deserve an apology for this disaster of a date?"

Naruto turned slowly, his ocean eyes shining with guilt. "Hinata. I'm so sorry for tonight."

It was weird, really. His apology should have helped. He gave it, she demanded it and yet it had the opposite result. She wanted to scream. Why could they not argue for once? She really wanted to vent.

Hinata inhaled deeply and breath out. She spun on her heels and proceeded towards the door.

"Where are you going?" She heard him ask but couldn't bother to give him an answer. Though she did offer him an "out" before the door closed behind her.

The hot summer night did nothing for her mood. In fact she was sweaty and her fancy dress clung to her body and her hair strands hand freed themselves from the intricate bun and stuck to her face. That was a waste of good time and money.

She aimlessly wandered through the streets, kicking an unfortunate can all the way to the training grounds. Why was Naruto so...insensitive? So emotionally ignorant? She came down on the canteen harder.

"Believe it or not Hyuuga, that is not your boyfriend's face though I do admit the resemblance is uncanny."

Hinata glared at the intruder. He was one to talk with that stupid haircut and that irritating smirk and his bag of tomatoes. "Leave me alone, Sasuke-kun."

"And have Shuu's favourite baby sitter kill herself on a twig, no way." Her face was as red as his tomatoes now and Sasuke feared she might blow up. Though it would be a sight to see.

"Says the guy buying tomatoes in the middle of the night. They're not even fresh at this hour."

The last Uchiha tried his best not to laugh even if it was getting increasingly difficult. Messing with her when she was fuming only added to the fun. "Still healthier than sweet buns."

"I swear Sasuke-kun if you call me chubby again, I'll cut off your head and feed it to the koi!"

"Your word, not mine."

"Ugh just stop talking already!" Hinata leapt for him but he easily side stepped. In an attempt to protect his precious tomatoes, his elbow connected with her face and she went stumbling a few steps back. "Shit." He cursed and discarded the bag under a tree before coming up to her to investigate the damage. "Hinata, you okay?"

He stretched his arm towards her but she swung her own at him with enough force that his mind went blank. She kicked his legs from beneath him and he came crashing down to the ground. "You want to try smearking now? Make fun of me?" She threw her leg over his abdomen and climbed on. "Well guess what. Hinata feels too."

"Hinata. Get off me."

"NO!" She screamed, taking him aback. "Take it like a man or think before you decide to open your mouth."

"I said nothing."

"You meant to!"

Sasuke sighed. This woman was crazy. He really didn't want it to come to this but...he scissored his legs across her neck and brought her down with a loud crash. Why were they always being reduced to blow every time either of them was in a sour mood? "Calm down Hinata." He held her hands by her sides to keep her from punching him again and although she protested, she soon gave up, tired.

She blinked several times to will her tears back but they still found their way down the corner of her eyes. "W-why does he always see me last?"

"He doesn't. Stop being overdramatic."

She should be insulted and angry at his lack of tact but he sounded so bored, so... him that it made her snort out a small laugh and not in a very lady-like fashion. "Jerk."

He helped her up but paused at the sight of his bag. "I just came up with a weird but valid thought. Every time I run into you when out for tomatoes, we end up beating each other up. It's a curse."

Hinata blinked then glared. "This is all you gathered from our exchange today? I was trying to vent but you denied me even that."

Sasuke offered her his hand to pull her up. "Fine. You can tell me ALL about your boyfriend being an idiot."

Hinata smiled. "You have icecream?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "We can make paper cones and pretend tomatoes are icecream scoops."

Hinata scrunched her nose. "Why does everything you do revolve around tomatoes?"

The Uchiha eyed her as if she grew another head.

I swear this isn't a filler like the last chapter. There's some heavy foreshadowing in this chapter. It'll all make sense in time.

There is always a lot of food talk in my stories. I'm not sorry:p

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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