Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Happy new year my lovely readers! As always, I'm late. Made you guys wait but this time I had legit reasons. I'm having family issues and it's been really stressful. Need all the prayers I can get. Anyhow, I decided to update, though it's small but I still thought that I'd get something out, let you know I'm not dead. Thank you so much for your constant support. We're over 500 likes and almost 10k views. How cool is that? Sorry for my chattiness today, must be something I ate. That reminds me, this whole update is about food and stuff. A lot of sasuhina moments. You're welcome(^^)

Shouting out to a new friend of mine -MysteryM-. You made the last update really enjoyable❤❤❤

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


Shuu was a bloody mess.

His living room was the aftermath of a shinobi battle with the insides of the "fallen" splattered all over the place - on the sofa, his carpet, the walls upon which thick chunks of torn flesh stuck like sudden acne breakout. Every inch of his smooth skin was tainted with the fluids of his victims, leaving tiny, red fingerprints on already stained cushions. The baby looked unaffected, proud, of the barbarity around him; eyes big and bright, smiling the smile of a mad man-err-child.

That's what you get, Sasuke, for leaving him alone with tomatoes.

And he had bathed him only two hours ago.

Sasuke sighed, bending down to pick up the plate that had managed to escape the chaos and setting it on the table before collecting the child in his arms who was more than happy to ruin his father's shirt too with all the tomato juice still clinging to his small fingers. He shrieked in delight, bouncing in his hold, reaching out to pluck at his eyebrows. The older Uchiha feigned annoyance, finding it hard to summon the emotion when Shuu was so happy.

Breakfast forgotten, Sasuke was about to head to the bathroom with Shuu when a knock made him take a u-turn to the main door. Their visitor had the baby even more excited if that was even possible, summoning loud, incoherent noises from Kami knew which part of his throat, signaling his presence. Both knew who it was, used to the regular visits they paid them and specific pattern of their knocking - three equally spaced, soft and quick knocks. Sometimes, it annoyed Sasuke how much his son preferred them over him, ignoring him altogether when with them, throwing tantrums when made to go without them for long. At times like these, he wondered what possessed him to offer them to see Shuu whenever they wished; at others, like now, he was just grateful for their presence.

He was hungry and his living room was a in ruins, after all.

Her smile greeted him like a ray of sunlight, in complete agreement with her name. She easily slipped Shuu out of his hold, replacing him with a bento that he thoroughly appreciated at the moment but wouldn't show. "You know you don't have to bring me food every time you visit."

"Good morning to you too." She said amidst showering Shuu with kisses who just laughed. She took him in in all his tomato-stained glory before turning to the older Uchiha and grinning, "Someone had a busy day."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, following after her in the living room. " Lord Shuu declared war on the kingdom of Lycopersicons*."

The destruction in the living room halted her steps at the entrance. "He really did."

"To think I spent my morning doing laundry and cleaning up the place." Hinata offered him an apologetic look to which he merely shrugged. He plopped down on the ruined sofa and dug right into the bento, not even bothering to use a plate. "Couldn't even spare time for breakfast." Sasuke was glad his nose didn't grow an inch every time he lied because why would anyone want to eat their disastrous meals when they could have gourmet level food? 

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