Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

To say the last Uchiha was embarrassed would be an understatement.

Sasuke had always taken great pride in the fact that the opposite sex had never attracted his attention to the point where it'd inconvenience him. Not the kind of inconvenience where he'd need to depend on the opposite specie for an escape from his raging hormones but the kind where he'd spend his days thinking about a certain member of the said specie and wanting to be with them 24/7. But now he couldn't say the same about himself.

That's right, Uchiha Sasuke was crushing on a girl... err... woman.

Who was the woman, you ask. Well, Yuuhi Kurenai of course. The same woman who happened to be his ex-sensei's colleague, his neighbour and mother to the child he sometimes baby sat. The woman who showed him nothing but kindness, had helped him out with his - no - the baby when he was desperately in need of it. Someone who had relieved him of his diaper changing duty and often left him meals when he didn't even ask for it.

It was only natural for him to develop some sort of feelings for her. But the thing is, Sasuke had always been surrounded by girls who cared for him and lend him a hand or two without him even needing to voice it. So what was it that made him like her?

Yes she was pretty, had a unique eye color that strongly resembled a sharingan, had long dark hair which was a plus, was good at cooking, had a soothing voice and yet wasn't compelled to use it every now and then... okay he had many reasons to like her but he had seen prettier women who were also adept at cooking. Like that one girl he had met during his travels with Taka. But even then he hadn't spared her a second glance for the only thought that had occupied his mind back then was how he was going to kill his brother. So Sasuke blamed it on the lack of having anything better to do.

What made it embarrassing was that he had thought he was past the stage where he was at the mercy of his hormones. Even as a teenager, he was always in control of his body. Forcing his mind to take a different course whenever it tried to... wonder. But now, even the sight of her made his heart rate pick up slightly, his breathing to falter his mind to lose sense of his surroundings. His eyes would follow her everywhere and his lips would try to curl up. It was simple and innocent and free of lust-y thoughts because he wouldn't let his brain to go there. And Sasuke intend on keeping it that way.

If he was going to court a woman, it would be out of his heart's desire, not because he couldn't shush his 'other' desires.

The aforementioned woman was pacing his kitchen in search for something while Sasuke observed her from behind the low table. He did that a lot lately and strangely, he liked it. "Sasuke. We ran out of baby formula. Again." It did not help that she acted like the lady of the house. It only served to feed his fantasies about a home and a family. He had always wanted to restore his clan but lately the desire was stronger then ever.

Without a word, Sasuke abandoned his spot and went to his bedroom to get his wallet. As he exited his house, Kurenai's voice stopped him. "Since I too have an errand to run, might as well leave with you." She offered a smile that had him looking away.

She had a really pretty smile.

"Oh and don't worry about Shuu. Mirai is with him and I left a clone, just in case."

His only reply was a nod. The duo walked in silence to the market, unaware of the pair of beast eyes following them.


Something was wrong and Kiba knew it.

At first he thought his nose was broke. He smelled his teammates scent at places where there was no chance she could have been. There were only a selected few places she visited and a selected few routes she took. Being the heiress of a clan required her to be careful and protect herself as best as she could. Not only that but whenever Kiba picked up her scent and rushed to meet up with her just to say a hellow and exchange a few pleasantries, her sent would suddenly dissolve in thin air, leavening him confused and scratching his head. Sometimes it came with humiliation with people thinking him crazy. He had even embarrassed himself in front of hokage and that Uchiha jerk. The punk had sat there, completely aloof watching him with that expressionless face of his that the dog boy badly wanted to punch.

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