Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! Been a while, hasn't it? As promised I'm back. I'm sorry it took so long. I've been receiving a lot of love lately and I'm really touched. Thank you so much for all your support. Alright, here's next installment.


Chapter 7

Disclaimer: You know how this goes, don't own Naruto.

Sasuke chastised himself mentally. He messed up. He really really messed up. Getting worked up at something as trivial as a tomato... okay perhaps he's exaggerating a bit. Anything concerning tomatoes was no petty matter. Still, Hyuuga wasn't an enemy for him to have attacked her like that. This wasn't war. It wasn't a battle till death, kill or be killed. What was he even thinking slipping an explosive tag onto his chokoto?

That's the problem: he wasn't thinking. It was just instincts taking over. When the Hyuuga conquered his weapon that, with a missing limb, had started to feel like an extension of his, his hand had just moved on its own and attached an explosive tag to it, and even that didn't go how he hoped it would as it hadn't exploded the first time Hinata came in contact with the sword.

Stupid, stupid him. How was he going to explain this to Naruto... uh, my apologies but it appears I might have accidentally-on purpose blew your girlfriend up. Sorry. No. Nonononono. That did not sound good. It sounded like instant death.

Heavy steps carried Sasuke to the heap on the ground that was the Hyuuga heiress. Or at least supposed to be. A heavy silence hung over the market place, with all the vendors and all the purchasers having evacuated the area.

She just laid there, unmoving and with each moment that flitted with her completely static, Sasuke's anxiety grew. Her long skirt supported tears in several places, its rim sooted. Indigo locks matted to her forehead with something sticky that Sasuke hoped wasn't blood. Pearl eyes veiled, thick lashes casting shadows on her ivory skin - a fugitive observation given birth by his close proximity to her face. Her breath warm against his fingers had him sighing out of relief. At least she was alive. Now to see if she's okay...

The raven poked her cheek and it occurred to him how soft her skin was - another fleeting thought for which Sasuke mentally slapped himself... not the time, Uchiha. The girl stirred in her spot and something akin to a wince escaped her slightly parted lips. "Hyuuga, wake up." Her eyelids fluttered before revealing a pair of translucent orbs. She blinked several times to clear the daze that had engulfed her mind. Sasuke helped her sit up and the sudden action made the world around her spin. She moaned, gripping his hand tighter. "Take it easy, Hyuuga. There's no rush."


His voice acted like a vacuum on reverse, blowing away the fog in her head and eyes. Frantically, she twisted her neck to her sides with enough force to give her whiplash, taking her surroundings in. The entire place was a mess - broken stands, soiled edibles, a dented tree. Vegetables littered the ground and a certain squished tomato brought tears to her eyes. That was suppose to go into Naruto's red lentil soup. Yes, the same Naruto that had spent a good part of his adolescence chasing after the sorry excuse of a human being that went with the name Uchiha Sasuke. The same Naruto that would not think twice going to any length for his best friend but would never have his favour returned, not even in something as miniscule as a tomato.

So when Sasuke tried to help her up, she ruthless slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." He could go and shove his 'generosity' somewhere else, she didn't want any part of it from him, as small as it was, not if Naruto - his friend, her love - couldn't have a piece of it.

Sasuke didn't offer his help after that, even as she got up on wobbly feet and limped her way out of market. Her disheveled appearance attracted much attention but too consumed with her own thoughts and tears, she paid no mind. She kept going back to her sick boyfriend, his pleas to never leave him ringing loud in her ears. Suddenly, she felt tired; exhaustion from her mission and recent battle catching up as adrenaline from her system finally cleared. She wished to go home and cuddle next to Naruto, bask in his warmth and just go to sleep.

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