Chapter 5

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A/n: I know I kept you all waiting but don't for a second think that I did it because I was being lazy or anything. First of, I went on vacation with my friends, somewhere with absolutely no internet connection. Even then a I spent a huge amount of time thinking about my fics.

Secondly, I was having a hard time writing Sasuke's pov. I don't know why it was so hard but I wrote it a couple of times before I was satisfied.

Anyways, this chap will probably make you want to kill me at first and then love me. I want to keep everything as realistic and believable as possible. You might not like a few things, might hate me for keep you waiting for some events you all are patiently awaiting. But I'm not going to rush anything. The story will move at a realistic pace and I'm sorry if you don't like it. But please bare it with me.

Any way, enough talking let's get down to business.


Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

The door opened to reveal a fully dressed Naruto in his ninja gear and headband establishing his identity as a shinobi of konoha.

"Hi Naruto-kun."

A sharp tug at her arm, a gasp and she was inside his new apartment. As soon as the door closed with a click, she was crushed in a hug and attacked with kisses. "Oh Kami Hinata, I was so worried. Kiba came to me and told you've been missing for weeks. I was just leaving to look for you."

"I was on a mission for the past month and returned just a few hours ago. When did you arrive?"

The couple retreated to his scarcely furnished living room. A few boxes lay here and there, some stacked in a corner. Even though it had been two months since Naruto moved to his new apartment, he was still unpacking and it looked like he was having a hard time. Hinata didn't blame him. He had been attacked with one mission after another with only a day's break in between. He was a hokage in making, after all.

"Perhaps they thought you'd figure it out yourself." She settled herself on his couch. Naruto discarded his jacket and lay down next to her, her lap pillowing his head. Her fingers automatically found their place in his short golden locks, which were very soft contrary to how they looked.

"Yeah, yeah and as always my brain failed to meet their expectations. " He mumbled in her stomach.

She couldn't help but smile at his child like antiques. He was such a big baby. "No one said that. " He said something incoherent, burying his face deeper in her clothing. "Say Naruto-kun, what would you like for dinner?"

"RAMEN!" He perked up immediately at the mention of food. Hinata giggled and dipped her head to kiss him on the cheek muttering a quiet 'baby'.

Basking in the glow that was Hinata,   the hokage-to-be wrapped his arms around her waist and looked with a hopeful look dancing on his face. "Neh Hinata, did you ask Hiashi-san about moving in with me?"

Apology flashed in her eyes, a reflection of many tears shed but all she could so was flash him a thin lipped smile. "I'm sorry Naruto-kun but father didn't approve. He said that was unbecoming of a lady of Hyuuga bringing."

Naruto looked away, hands clenched, shoulders straight; a few moments of silence and then he released an audible sigh and turned to her. "The only thing I get was that you were sorry. The rest was too fancy for me to understand."

Hinata laughed, a heart warming, eye watering laugh that left an ache in her stomach. Count on Naruto to reduce a fairly serious conversation to laughs and giggles. That's why she loved him so much. He always managed to brighten her mood.

Mirai : A Time Travel TaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora