Chapter One - "The" Jacob Kline

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Jake P.O.V.

"So you're really going to bench me if I can't get my grades up, seriously? I'm the only talent you have on this team. If you bench me, you're doomed." I said, incredulously. How could they even consider benching me? I was the man. I was Jacob-fucking-Kline, damn it.

"I'm sure your teammates would love to hear about how much faith you have in their abilities, Jake." Coach Michael Rayne said while rolling his eyes. Really? He wasn't taking me seriously when I said I was the only talent he had. If it wasn't for me, there would be zero touch downs scored this season. I wasn't just the quarterback. I was the best quarterback Chester High had ever had. It wasn't just ego talking either. I had skills. This old fuck needed to recognize that. Michael Rayne might be an ex-athlete, but he was washed up now, with a pot-belly to prove it. His hair was whiter than my grandfather's and I think he had more wrinkles too. So what did Michael Rayne know, really?

"Jacob, we can no longer tolerate your don't-give-a-care attitude in class. If you don't start showing some improvement, you'll be benched for the whole season. This is your senior year. I know there will be scouts at some of the games. You don't want to blow your future with football because you couldn't pass your classes. Coach Rayne has agreed to allow you to skip a couple practices to meet with a peer tutor in the library after school. I've already set it up for you. Melissa Stone will be waiting for you at table number eight, directly after school, every day this week." Principle Hitchings stated, with the flop of her fake blond hair and equally fake tits.

Maria Hitchings didn't know shit about anything either, in my opinion. I didn't even know how she'd landed the principle position. She was a whore, if the rumors about her could be trusted. I was going to be a star athlete, with my face on Sports Illustrated, and neither of these two schmucks were going to stop me. I didn't know who Melissa Stone was, but if she was nerdy enough to be a tutor, then I'm sure I could threaten her...I mean talk her into doing my homework for me and I'd just skip the tutoring sessions.

"We'll reevaluate things at the end of the week. Melissa will be giving us a status report then. If you show that you're serious about your school work by then, then I'll let you practice next week and you can play in next week's game." Coach Rayne informed me.

"What about this week's game?" I sat forward, dreading Coach's response.

"You're out." Coach said coldly.

"That's fucking bullshit! You can't do that." I stood so quickly my chair went flying backward and slammed into the wall.

"Language, young man, or we'll make it two games automatically." Principle Hitchings threatened.

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the study hall that they'd pulled me out of and the end of the school day. I clenched my teeth, ready to spit nails and said, "So, to the library I go then."

Coach nodded and stood, "Good luck, Jake. I really hope you decide to focus. The team needs you, but they're not completely dependent on you, no matter what you think."

I snorted and opened the door to exit, but couldn't resist one last dig, "Spare me your there-is-no-I-in-team shit. You'll be begging me to come back after you lose on Friday."

With that, I left the room and headed for the library. Regardless of what they thought, I did know where the library was and had even stepped foot inside one time. I wasn't the idiot they thought I was. School was just boring to me. I'd much rather be playing football. I couldn't stay focused enough during class to care about my grades. The teachers would drone on and on, while I thought up new plays in my head. I was going to be a football star and I wasn't going to let a small technicality, like my education, hold me back.

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