Chapter Six - I'll wear you down

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Melissa P.O.V.

I had tried to ignore the shouts from the football stadium, like I normally did, but tonight I couldn't stay away. I tried to blend into the crowd as I sought out Jake on the field. Damn, he looked sexy in his uniform. I shouldn't even be here, but I needed to see him in action, just once. He was good. No, he was better than good. It was clear that he was carrying the rest of the team. They all seemed to look to him for answers and he had them, every time. It was fascinating to watch. The next thing I knew I'd stayed through the remaining length of the game.

As people began to file out around me, I started to panic. I knew the odds of Jake seeing me were small, considering he would probably head straight for the locker room, but I still needed to get the hell out of there. I skirted around as many people as I could, before I reached a stand-still as people had clogged the exit gate. Inch by slow inch I was closer to escape. Until I finally made it through the gate. I'd only taken a few steps in the direction of my shack when I was suddenly pushed from behind. I stumbled forward, but caught myself before I fell and turned to face my attacker. Non-other than Brittany Hodges stood glaring at me with the rest of the cheerleaders standing behind her.

"Stay away from Jake." Brittany demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied and didn't meet her eyes.

"A little birdy told me that you're tutoring him. I don't want you getting any ideas about him. He's mine. We're going to be a family." She said and placed a hand on her belly.

My eyes widened. Was she saying what I think she was saying? Was she pregnant and Jake was the father? Of course, I shouldn't be surprised. It was Jake who said it himself, they were bed-buddies. Apparently something had come from one of their...encounters. Then why had he been flirting with me and stealing kisses from me all week? I suddenly felt very sick. So what was I, just another game to him? I should have known better. I knew his caring concern earlier couldn't be as genuine as it seemed.

"Cat got your tongue?" Brittany asked, smirking.

"I, uh, congratulations?" I said lamely.

Brittany laughed, but it didn't sound like she was finding much humor, "Yes lucky me. I get to explain to my parents that I'm just another failure in a long line of failures. I mean, what did they expect would happen? I had nothing but shitty role models. My mom, my aunt, and my two older sisters all got knocked up in high school, so why not me too? I am going to be different though. Jake is going to be a big football star and we're going to get married. We're going to raise this baby together. I don't need some goody-two-shoes coming in and trying to mess things up for me."

She sounded a little deranged, so I didn't think it would be a good time to explain to her that her future groom didn't seem very willing to be tied down, considering his recent behavior toward me. Besides, I'd told Jake that I was done with him, so none of this should have anything to do with me. So I squared my shoulders and said, "Good luck with all of that. There is nothing going on with Jake and me, so you don't have to worry about me messing up your plans."

"Good because in six months, he's going to be a daddy and you wouldn't want that baggage, now would you?" Brittany sneered.

"Is there a problem here?" Jake suddenly appeared. His hair was wet, like he'd showered, and he wore a bright white t-shirt and jeans. He smelled good and he looked even better. He glanced at me and with that one look, I knew we weren't done. Crap, I'm sure Brittany would pick up on it too.

"Hey Jake, so my parents are out of town for the weekend, so I thought—"

"You can keep your thoughts to yourself Brittany, I'm not interested." Jake's words sounded cold, even to my ears. How could he say that when there was a baby involved? Jake turned to me and said, "Let's go, Mel."

I fell in love with a nerdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz