Chapter Eight - Minus one cranky girl

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Melissa P.O.V.

Bad, it could be very bad. Chase's date, Kristin Dixon, wasn't so bad. In fact, I kind of liked her. She was tall, skinny, so pretty she could be a super model, and blond. Besides that though, she seemed nice and actually treated me like an equal. I vaguely remembered seeing her around school, but had never spoken to her. Now that I had, I hoped to talk to her in the future too. It was Logan's date that was the problem. When we met them at the entrance of the movie theater, Jake had seemed highly upset about Logan's date choice. I hadn't understood at the time, but now I knew. The girl was a world class bitch and definitely team Brittany. Olivia Olsen was her name and she had her nose so far up in the air I'm surprised she didn't get light headed. She was medium height, too-skinny, and had blond hair that clearly came from a bottle. She had such a bitchy personality that I wondered what the heck Logan saw in her, but it became quite clear why he wanted her around. She was such a slut that she was practically groping Logan in public. I must have made a disgusted sound or she must have caught me looking, because shit hit the fan after that.

"Can you believe that the Jacob Kline has stooped so low as to go on a date with that?" Olivia smirked at me. She was talking to Kristin, but Kris apparently didn't want to play her game because she just rolled her eyes and checked her makeup in the bathroom mirror. I'd come into the restroom by myself, but by the time I finished using the toilet the other two girls had joined me. The movie was over and I was ready to go home and lock myself in Jake's bedroom.

"Cut it out, Olivia. Melissa never did anything to you." Kris said.

"No, she didn't do anything to me, but Brittany is my girl. You can't just step in, steal my girl's man, and expect me to be cool with you." Olivia snipped and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Kris rolled her eyes and faced Olivia, "Melissa didn't steal anything. You and I both know that Brittany and Jake's relationship was never tied down. Now that he has Melissa, he's apparently done with Brittany, and that is none of our business."

"Brittany is pregnant with Jake's baby. That sounds pretty tied down to me." Olivia huffed.

Kris laughed, "I heard that rumor and all I have to say is, girl please. If Brittany is even pregnant, because I could see her lying to try to hold onto him, it probably isn't even Jake's. She will probably have to test a dozen guys to find the father."

"That's harsh. Why are you even defending this nerd?" Olivia snapped.

"Because this nerd hasn't done anything to any of us. This nerd is actually nice to talk to. This nerd doesn't kiss the sidewalk that a bitch like Brittany walks on." Kris said, with her arms folded across her chest. That shut Olivia up and she stormed out of the bathroom.

"Thank you." I told Kris.

She shrugged, "No problem. Maybe you and I could hang out sometime without the drama of Olivia dogging us."

I smiled, "That would be nice." I'd never had a real friend before. I followed her outside, where we found Olivia and Logan in a heated argument.

Jake smiled at me, "Logan is going to drop off the trash and then we're going to meet at Chase's to watch another movie."

I shrugged and smiled. That sounded good to me. I didn't generally interact with people, but despite Olivia's horrible behavior, I'd actually had fun tonight. Jake had, so far, been the best first boyfriend a girl could ask for. I actually liked Chase and Logan too, when he didn't have a hooch hanging off of him. Kris was really nice too. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged and I had Jacob Kline to thank. Even if things didn't work out between us, because a big part of me believed that it wouldn't, I couldn't regret dating him. He'd already broken me out of my shell so much and I felt freer because of it.

I fell in love with a nerdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora