Chapter Three - Arrogant Ass-Hat

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Jake P.O.V.

I tried to fight off my embarrassment when I sat down across from Melissa in the library for our second day of tutoring. I hated what Brittany had done, but I couldn't control her any more than anybody else could. I was getting tired of her though. After watching her pour that soda over innocent Melissa, I'd decided that I needed to cut Brittany loose. I hadn't been lying to her when I'd said that we were fuck buddies and nothing more. I felt nothing for her. She was great in bed and until recently, she hadn't been clingy. Lately, however, she'd started thinking that we were an item and that was unacceptable. I didn't do girlfriends. Flings yes, girlfriends no. Brittany knew that and had still come begging with her eyes wide open.

I'd planned on ending things last night after the soda incident. The problem was that I gave Brittany a ride home and the whole way she'd ran one long-nailed finger up and down my thigh. Just before we reached her house, where she lived with her parents and two sisters, she'd unzipped my fly and pulled me out of my pants. I'd been about to protest when she'd gone down on me. My brain was toast after that. I'd had enough presence of mind to pull over to the side of the road, while Brittany finished me off, swallowing every last drop and licking me clean. She was a slut who knew exactly what she was doing. She didn't even ask for me to return the favor, so I couldn't bring myself to end things then. I felt too sated and decided to wait one more day.

"So let's work on Geometry today." Melissa said.

No words of greeting. No chewing my ass for what Brittany had done. Nothing. She just wanted to get straight to work? I should be grateful. She was letting me off easy. Why did I still feel like I owed her something then? I was used to doing or saying whatever I wanted and getting away with it. Melissa had the strange ability to make me feel like I was a five year old kid who had got caught stealing the last cookie out of the cookie jar. Instead of apologizing to her again, I took the cowards way out and opened my geometry textbook.

At the end of our tutor session, however, I couldn't take it anymore. As I walked with her out to the parking lot, I asked, "Aren't you going to yell at me for the soda thing?"

She appeared surprised and asked, "Why would I yell at you about it? You weren't the one to soak me in soda."

"No." I looked at my feet, "But I was probably the reason you were soaked in soda."

Melissa gave an unladylike snort, "Oh get over yourself Jake."

I snapped my head up and smiled, "That's the first time you've called me Jake."

"So?" She shrugged.

"So, you've only ever called me Jacob Kline, like I'm some kind of prince and can't be talked about without my full first and last name." I explained.

She rolled her eyes, "Geez, you truly are full of yourself, aren't you? Look, you're no prince that is for sure. You're good looking, I'll give you that one, but you're over the top arrogance isn't as sexy as you seem to think it is. Every other girl in this school might worship the ground that you walk on, but what they don't realize is, there will be hundreds more just like you once we reach college. You might be big man on campus this year, but you'll be just one in a group next year. You don't have to apologize to me for something someone else did. In fact, you shouldn't even be talking to me right now. You're tutoring session is over for the day. You're free to go."

I blinked several times and then watched, disbelievingly, as she began to walk away. She, nerdy Melissa Stone, was walking away from me, Jacob Kline? Holy shit, she was right. I was full of myself. When had that happened? No wonder she thought I was an arrogant ass-hat. I sounded like a total tool when I talked and I was only just now realizing it. How did I have friends? Why did Brittany even like me? Of course, Brittany would like me though, she was the female version of me, I suddenly realized. All the more reason to cut ties with her, I thought and climbed into my car. I glanced toward the direction Melissa had gone and watched her enter that damned shack again.

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