Chapter Eleven - I fell in love with a nerd

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Jake P.O.V.

I shut the door and turned to face Melissa. We now officially lived together. Our tiny apartment only had one bedroom, which had kind of made my mom freak out a little. The living room and kitchen were joined, and the bathroom was barely bigger than a closet. We still had quite a bit of unpacking to do, but we'd done a lot today. The place wasn't much, but it was all we could afford and it was now our home. We were proud of it.

Melissa had gotten a job at a local diner and would work only part-time when school started next week. Apparently the owner was a cousin or something to Don, Melissa's ex-boss, so he helped her get the job. She had already been working there for a couple days and her new boss was just as nice as his cousin, when it came to sending a to-go container home with Mel every night. Free meals always helped the checkbook, that's for sure. She was also going to tutor when her scheduled allowed, to bring in some extra dough. I was going to help out where I could, but with school and football, I'd be pretty busy. When I did have time to work, my new coach had helped me get a job in his brother's garage. I loved working on cars, so it was an ideal job for me.

I stepped forward, put my arms around Melissa, and brought our foreheads together. "So Mel, what do you want to do? Do you want to try to cook our first meal together? Or we could order pizza and watch a movie? Before we do much of anything, I need a shower. Moving is dirty work."

She giggled and purred, "Yes, it is very, very dirty."

I groaned. She was going to be the death of me. I reluctantly released her and walked toward the bathroom, saying over my shoulder and making the little tease laugh, "A cold shower it is then."

In the bathroom, I stripped down and stepped under a cold spray. I smiled, seeing my shampoo and soap next to Melissa's. Who would have thought that I, Jacob Kline, would be in the position that I was now? Less than a year ago, my biggest worry was football and when I wasn't on the field I was looking for my next piece of ass. I had proved to myself that I could survive without sex and was damned proud of myself. I'd never cheat on Melissa. She was too precious for that. So I'd been good and only groped her on occasion. As I let the water rain over my face, I prayed she wouldn't make me wait until we were married. Whoa, married, who would have thought that word was even in my vocabulary. I could totally see us married though, with Melissa's belly swelling with our baby, and it didn't have me running scared. I wanted those things with her, more than anything.

I was glad that Brittany's baby turned out to not be mine, but was still saddened about its unfortunate fate. That had been my half-sister. On the one hand, Brittany had no business parenting a child, but on the other hand the poor thing hadn't even been given a chance at life. I felt kind of responsible. I had known she was into drugs before, but I hadn't realized that she had gotten that bad. If I'd known, I'd like to think I would have told someone, but who knows what I would have done. I'd still been torn up that I might have been a father-to-be, so I wasn't exactly thinking clearly. I had dreaded having a baby with Brittany, but I'd be overjoyed when the time came with Melissa.

Suddenly, I heard a click and peaked around the curtain. My breath lodged in my throat and my heart sped up, threatening to beat right out of my chest. Melissa stood just inside the bathroom with a nervous look on her face. It wasn't her face that currently held me captivated, however. Nope, what held my attention was the sexy red, lacy lingerie hugging her delectable body. It was mostly see through and I could see her dark nipples through the material. I about choked when I said, "Baby, I am not a saint, so you better tell me what your goal is right now before I lose my shit."

Melissa smiled, looking a little more confident as she suggested, "Why don't you come dry off and I'll show you what my goal is."

I was out of that shower quicker than I've moved in my entire life. I half dried myself off and then grabbed her, throwing her over my shoulder as I made my way to the bedroom. I tossed her onto the bed and came down on top of her, catching her mouth in a devouring kiss. Good things come to those who wait, I thought excitedly as I rubbed my body against her lace covered softness. I needed to slow down and enjoy every second of this though. Not to mention, this would be Melissa's first time. I'd never had sex with a virgin before, but I'd heard it could be uncomfortable for the female.

I slowly lifted my lips from hers and asked, "Baby, are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to feel pressured."

Melissa smiled, "I want to do this. I want you. I've wanted to do this for a while, but I've been too nervous until now. Now that we have some real privacy, I finally got brave enough to show you what I want. Do you, uh, like the lace? Kris and Bree helped me pick it out."

"Love the lace." I growled and consumed her neck with kisses. I kissed down the v between her breasts, before placing my mouth over her nipple through the lace. Her back arched and she moaned, making me smile. As much as I liked the lace, I had waited too long to see fully her, so I quickly pulled it off over her head. Now all that separated us was a tiny scrap of a red thong. I took my time looking at her and I could see an embarrassed blush cover most of her body. I shook my head, "Baby, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. You're so fucking sexy, it almost hurts to look at you."

That seemed to flip a switch in her. She roughly grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth back to hers. She wrapped her legs around my waist and ground against me. I about flew off the bed I was so horned up. Damn, I needed to slow this down or I'd be exploding before I'd even entered her. I gently unwrapped her legs and moved down her body, raining kisses as I went. She squirmed and it was so sexy to watch. Then I tugged her thong off and tossed it to the floor, as my eyes devoured her. When I placed my mouth against her most feminine area a moment later, it was her turn to almost fly off the bed. She gasped my name and then began making the most erotic noises I'd ever heard. By the time her body began to spasm with an orgasm, I was past ready.

So I stood up and went to my dresser, where I kept a brand new box of condoms, waiting for this day. I quickly ripped it open and rolled one on, before rejoining Melissa on the bed. She was lounged back, sated, and I hoped that I was about to add to her pleasure. When she reached for me then, everything felt so right in my world, I wondered what I'd done to deserve her. I'd been such a prick before her, so I guess you could say that she saved me.

I slowly entered her, allowing her body to get used to me, until I reached the barrier of her innocence. I almost asked her, again, if she was sure that she was ready, but then she arched her hips, breaking the barrier and giving herself fully to me. There were those damned emotions threating to break through again, I thought as I leaned down and kissed her passionately, before saying, "I love you, Melissa Stone."

"I love you too, Jacob Kline." She whispered back.

Then I began to move gently and could feel her body responding to me, almost instantly. I'd never been with anyone so responsive and I knew we were meant to be together forever. We fit perfectly, in and out of the bedroom. I had no idea what the future held for us, but I knew we'd face it together. My heart was finally full and nothing could have made it better. Ok, I lied. When her inner beauty convulsed around me in another orgasm, it was definitely better. I couldn't hold back after that. I increased my pace until I too reached my release.

Afterward, we didn't bother getting out of bed and simply held each other. For a while, we lay in comfortable silence, then we talked about anything and everything, before I made love to her for a second time. Some people probably thought we were crazy, moving in together so young, after knowing each other for such a short time, but I only had one thought left before drifting off into a sated sleep. If only I had known earlier what it would be like when I fell in love with a nerd.

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