New Case

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Normal Pov:
"Congratulations miss Mikazuchi! Yet another case solved!" Detective Scarlet patted her "little sister" on the back as they walked down the long halls of the office building. They all wore there everyday work attire. A black pencil skirt, a white button up blouse with there ID, gun, and taser.
"Thanks! It was a tough one but there was no way they would get past me!" Kagura responded.
Kagura Mikazuchi is the best detective at Mermaid Heel Police Department, or MHPD for short. She had graduated top of her class and was immediately accepted into the agency. Along with her friends, Yukino, Erza, Mira, Juvia, Lucy, And Levy. Wendy was also accepted as a paid intern even though she was only 13.
"Ha! Thats Kagura for you!" Detective Lucy stated.

"Your increadible Kagura-chan!" Yukino smiled.

"Why dont we celebrate with some good old chinese take-out? My treat!" Levy said.

"Juvia thinks that sounds wonderful!" She said while smiling.

"Im in! We can have it at my house!" Lucy suggested.

"Up to kagura." Erza stated while they all turned to face Kagura.

"I dont see why not! Lets do it!"

"Yay!" From all around.

The group walked out of the building. "Night Elfman!" They all said to the body guard. "Night ladies, stay safe!"

Meanwhile in the streets.

He puffed smoke while leaning against the ally wall. He had one hand buried deep in the pocket of his black slacks, the other holding the cigarette. He wore a fine black tux, matching slacks and dress shoes. He moved his free hand through his pitch black hair then back into the pocket of the slacks "Explain. You have 10 seconds before my friend over there pulls the trigger."
"He" was Rogue Cheney the most feared gang leader in all of Magnolia, heck! All of fiore even. If you messed with him you made sure you had written your will and said your prayers. His friend was Sting Eucliffe, his partner in crime, they lead "Sabertooth" together and were ruthless, not to mention they had a strong alliance with all the other gangs in Magnolia.

The Sabertooth alliance was led by the "dragon circle." It consisted of Natsu Dragneel the fire dragon, Gajeel Redfox the iron dragon, Laxus Dreyar the lightning dragon, Cobra/Erik the poison dragon, Sting the white dragon, and of course Rogue who was known as the shawdow dragon.

Sting and Rogue were currently interrogating the man who didnt hold up his end of a bargain with Erik, they gave he had given him enough money to last him until he was buried and the man kept his mouth shut after threating to rat them out to the cops. The alliance had been off the grid for some time now, everyone thought they had calmed down. In actuality they had found a way to remain unseen. The man had taken the money and reported the resent activity to the MHPD. The man gave a bloody smirk.

"It was your own fault for trusting me"
Rouge sighed and Sting cocked the gun.
The man went wide eyed.
He flicked some ash off the end of the cigarette.
"I-I w-wait just a minute!!!" He waved his hands.
Sting rolled his eyes while the man frantically stuttered.
"I can tell you whose assigned to the case and where she lives! P-please just let me live!!" He pleaded.
Sting gave Rogue a questioning look. Rogue looked at his watch, nodded, and stepped away from the wall to face the man.
"Well, go ahead. We haven't got all night." He demanded.
"Her name is Kagura. Kagura Mikazuchi. She lives at the apartment complex on 3rd. Room 6B."
"Figures they'd assign the top detective to the case." Sting lowered the gun
"She even has permission to have colleagues assist her."
He flicked away the cigarette bud and looked at his partner, "looks like a new game of cat and mouse eh?"
"Seems like it." Sting resonded.
"Go on get out of here. Oh! An one more thing."
In one swift movement Rogue was in his face. "If you so much as think about the events of tonight I will personally through your corpse into the ocean and watch you sink into the black while laughing. Are we clear?" He threatened with the most intimidating face that made the man before him quiver and um... pee himself. He nodded frantically.

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