A Ticking Time Bomb

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{Kagura POV}

It feels good to be alone for a little while, i need to think. I know where my head should be, but HE wont stop infiltrating my thoughts. I walk around a corner, the broken tiles shifting slightly. The place matched the outside expectation wise: dust everywhere, the powder from the dry wall tickling my sinuses, blood stains, dirty and broken pictures of men and women, i couldnt make out their faces, countless pieces of trash littering the ground, making some areas inaccessible, old radios, movie discs, enough paperwork to make ten trees, peeling paint and wallpaper, broken glass, a couple fallen chandeliers, flickering yellow lights, barely illuminating anything, if it weren't for those lights i wouldn't be able to seed down the halls, though the windows let in amazing amounts of moonlight when the smog passes over it, the exterior was glass, bullets holes in the wall, rubble from the walls, piles of junk holding up the structure, holes in the ground, and iron beams threatening to fall at any given moment. I dont trust the structure of this place at all... I keep walking forward the uneasy feeling in my stomach growing with every dreadful step. I know i supported this idea but, this feeling i have, i have it right before something bad happens... 'Oh please be careful Rogue'

"Deep breaths Kagura, deep breaths." I assure my self. I keep walking and happen upon an old office room, it smells heavily of whisky and weed. That means someone was in here not to long ago... the floor to ceiling windows on the right again let in large amounts of moonlight, making the lamp lights seem like fuses. I take latex gloves out my pocket, safety my gun, and put it in the holster. Putting the gloves on i walk over to the black metal desk near the back wall. I kneel down to its level and open one of the squeaky rusted draws. Inside was a beautiful silver 38 caliber revolver, putting our classic 9 millimeters to shame. It had intricate patterns and initials on the side. I pick it up examining it further. The patterns make out a dragon, the dragons eyes seem to sparkle like sapphires, the tail elegantly curled around the initials: "Z.D"

"Z.D? That doesn't sound familiar at all?" I think out loud and turn it over, the same pattern was adorning the other side. "Too bad i dont have an evidence bag..." I sigh to myself. I didn't want to make anything appear like it was tampered with, so i put it back in in the exact same position i had found it. Closing the squeaky draw i look through the others, they were all completely empty. I make my way to the standing cubbord. Opening it one of the doors breaks off of the hinges and hits the ground lightly, only making a small *thump!* sound. Inside were countless pieces of jewelry, stunning to the eye. They were all most likely stolen. They sparkled perfectly in the moon light, picking them up carefully i checked to see if they had any finger prints, like the gun they were absolutely spotless. I looked at the back of the cubbord, it was wall papered with clippings of news articles of jewel thieves and gallery openings. One of the articles read, "Please join us in the grand reopening of the Magnolia Jewel Emporium! Please do not be alarmed at the extra security, it is merely a precaution. Open from 6:00pm-10:30pm." Below the writing were pictures of the new jewels that would have been shown off, all with "x"s through them...they were all in the cubbord. Next to that clipping was another that read, "Break in at the reopening of the Magnolia Jewel Emporium! The thieves stole the 5 newest jewels on display. Police report that they had to have been guests at the gala, to have gotten even remotely close to the jewels. Could this be the work of the Sabertooth Alliance!?"

" this case...i saw it in the archives...That happened last year...i was still in the academy back then. Why would they think i was the Sabertooth Alliance? They only handle drug deals, not heists? Unless...Josephs superior must have been behind it! And the missing jewels are right here!! Dammit! If my phone worked out here id be able to take a picture..." I thought out loud a little aggravated.

'If these people pulled off a heist they have to be the real deal... I still havent even found the stairs yet! This case is beginning to become larger and larger as i go!!' I freeze hearing the worst sound imaginable at the time, footsteps...

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