Getting Lost in Junk Town

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(Kagura, Normal POV)

"Who the hell are you" she asked

"I was hired to 'take you out'" the man stated.

'Not surprising' "Who told you to?"

"Client didnt have a name."

"I see." She cuffed him to a pipe and called up elfman to take him to the station.

'Crap ive gotta really hurry now.' She safety-ed her gun and put back in the holster not waisting anymore time. It was already about 9:00-9:30. Kagura took off and was at the station in no time. After buying a ticket to "Junk Town" she boarded the train and anxiously waited. 'What if he makes it here before the train leaves?' Sure enough a familiar face walked through the stations door. She ducked down away from the trains window. After about 2 minutes the train started moving and she sat up. Rouge was gone. 'Whew!' She stretched her arms a little and rolled up the sleeves to hide the blood. 30 minutes later and the train stopped. Kagura got off and looked around at the empty and abandoned station. It sent chills down her spine. The walls were crumbling and painted with graffiti. Moss grew from the cracks in the floor and the toll booth's windows were smashed and yellow. Parts of the roofing were missing and the rails looked rusted. It was in the worst condition. 'Junk Town huh? The name seems fitting.' The train took off and she was left alone in the eery place. The lights flickering on and off didnt help the bad vibes she was getting. That was just the tip off the iceberg. Walking out she took in her surroundings. Dirty and broken skyskrapers, you couldnt see the top of them due to smoke, gangs gallore, trees growing from the side walks, and junk everywhere. This was Junk Town.

'Wow....' Was all she could think of. He mind snapped to the objective and she took off in search of joseph baker. 10:20. She checked her phone.

She ran past bloody brawls and countless drug deals. What would be the point on arresting them here? No cell service, not a police man in sight, it was quite terrifying. She had to knock out a couple of men who asked if she wanted to 'have some fun' she really was vulnerable in this area.

'Its times like these where i need Rogue... WAIT what am I saying! I can do this I dont need Cheney!' Kagura turned around to see un familiar surroundings. She was lost, in Junk Town of all places....yay.

"The tallest building right? Ive got this."

She made her way threw a couple ally ways when she saw and old radio tower.

"I cant just wander around aimlessly. Might as well take my chances...alright Mikazuchi youve got this!!" She thought out loud and put her foot on one of the metal bars. She climbed higher and higher her stomach doing back flips. But that wasn't the end of it, little did she know she was being watched, but not by Rogue.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!! Arghh... She really doesn't get it." Just then a bullet flew past rogues shoulder. He sighed, "not this again." He ducted behind a building, its not like this wasn't common for him. He held his gun close to him when someone tapped his shoulder. It was Natsu.

Kagura held tight to the tower while the wind blew her hair about. She looked out and saw the tallest tower, all that was left was to climb ... Down. "One step at a time... This seemed like a good idea." She took a deep breath and took a few steps down when a gunshot was fired at her.


It hit the metal and she let out a squeak. She climbed down a little faster but a metal bar gave out, "AHH!!!" She was dangling 80 ft in the air.

"Huh!?" Rogue turned around while Natsu fired a couple shots. "HOLY-" PING! "KAGURA!!!" this was exulting quickly....

She got her foot through another bar and pulled herself up a little more.

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