The Game Begins

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Normal POV:
Rogue groaned sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and took the red comforter off. His room was huge! One of the walls had a floor to ceiling bookshelf, the others were painted a cool gray. His bed was at the back wall and the end faced the door. The flooring was dark high class hard wood with a plush black carpet in the center. The windows had black curtains and let in the perfect amount of light in. The wall behind his bed was a large illuminated fish tank with species of fish from around the world. His rich oak desk sat in the corner and a couch was facing a huge flat-screen TV on the wall beside the double door entry way. French door a ways next to the desk led to a luxury balcony. The en suite was just as amazing as his bedroom. He looked at his feet to see his little green cat in a pink frog costume curled up. 'So cute' he thought to himself, though he would never say those words out loud. He stretched and hopped out of the warm bed. Today was the day that the game would begin, an he was more than excited.

At Lucy's House

"kagura-chan? kagura-chan wake up." Yukino shook her friend lightly in an effort to wake her.

"hmm?" Kagura groaned.

"Come on Kagura, you've got 8 missed calls, all from your burner phone"

"What?!" she sat up straight and reached for the phone which yukino gladly gave to her with a wondering face. Kagura went to her missed calls inbox, no Id, no voice mails, only the "Missed calls (8)" icon. She selected the call back button and walked out to the balcony, not even bothering to realize that she was still wearing spandex shorts, and and oversized tee shirt, as well, as bed-head. It only rang once before she was greeted by a stern voice.

"Hello Miss Mikazuchi" The stranger greeted. His voice was so cold yet so smooth, she was intrigued

"I-I um-" dammit! her words were getting caught in her throat.

He laughed lightly, "did I startle you?"

she cleared her throat, "as a matter of fact you did."

'my god her voice is hot. crap now i'm getting caught up! get it together shadow dragon!' he reminded himself.  "My apologies. I just wanted to inform you that I have some information on your current case."

she smirked, "Now that's surprising, see first of all my cases are not made public until 24 hours after i'm informed. and i give authority which i was not planning on doing sir, not to mention you would have contacted my cell phone."

'She's clever.'

"so tell me Mr. Cheney, how do you know of my current case?"

'She knew?!' "My, now i see why your the leading detective. Look i know your case is to prove the Sabertooth Alliances' current activity. I wanted to meet up civilly, sound good?"

"...yes. We'll meet in public. Starbucks, 11:00am. Deal?"

"deal. Oh and nice bed head miss mikazuchi, ill see you then." he smirked and hung up.

'Wha-What?!' She looked around frantically leaning over the balcony. 'Damn him!' She clamped the phone closed and walked back inside.

"who was that Kagura-chan" Wendy asked rubbing her eyes awake.

"meh, some scammer saying i won a free car." she lied and put on a smile.

"jeez at 7 am, they're desperate huh?" juvia said quietly while trying not to wake the others.

"no doubt, i need to get an early start on the case, ill back later ok?"

"isn't it your day off though?" Juvia asked.

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