Chapter 51

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Alexa pov:
After finishing our cake I brought away the dishes and Mila and I went inside.
"Mommy can I go and play in a group?" Mila looked at me " Sure honey, in which group do you wanna play?" I smiled at her. She frowned a few seconds "I wanna go to the Tiger group mommy." she smiled. "Okay, I'll come and pick you up in a few ok? And you have to promise me not to leave the group." I warned her. "I promise mommy." she said while holding up her pinky finger "Pinky promise" she said. I took her pinky finger with mine "Pinky promise." I said and laughed. Mila gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran into the Tiger group. I went outside to talk to some people see if Michael was still there somewhere. But I couldn't find him. I sighed and went back inside. Mr. Parker came towards me smiling. "Ms. Jones, are you searching someone?" he looked at me "Huh? Oh no, no I don't search anyone." I said. "Well okay." he said and laughed. "A lot of people are leaving already." he said while looking around. I agreed and he continued "Even Mr. Jackson left already." I looked at him "Really?" I asked. "Yeah" Mr. Parker answered. "Oh well, it was a great day and a great opening and I can't wait to start working." I smiled "It was indeed. And I bet it will be a great kindergarten and a great time working here." he smiled back. "It will." I laughed. "Well Ms. Jones, we'll start to tidy up in a few, so I have to go to give some instructions. I'll see you later." he smiled and left. I went to help some people to tidy up.
After one hour we finished. I picked up Mila, we said everyone goodbye and left the kindergarten.
During the car ride we listened to music and one of Michael's songs called 'She's out of my life' started to play. It was a nice but really sad song so I turned off the radio. I looked at Mila through the mirror, she was half asleep. After a 20 minutes ride we arrived at home. Mila was asleep and I carefully got her out of the car and carried her inside and up to her room. I woke her up so she could brush her teeth and to put on her pajamas. After she was finished I carried her into her room and laid down with her. "Did you enjoy the day?" I asked while tugging her into the blankets. "Yes it was great! I had soooo much fun. I liked the swings best!" she said. "I'm glad you had so much fun." I smiled and kissed her forehead "But now it's time to sleep." I said cuddled her. "Will you stay here mommy?" she asked, I smiled "Of course princess." We cuddled until she fell asleep. I waited a few more minutes before I quietly left her room. I went to the bathroom and removed my makeup, brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas. Before I went to bed, I checked on Mila one last time to make sure she was still asleep, then I went into my room and laid down. I couldn't fall asleep immediately, there was still a lot on my mind.. actually Michael was on my mind..
It was somehow great to see him again but it was awkward at the same time. In the last 5 years a lot of things happened in both our lives. I became a mother and he got married to Lisa Marie Presley. I frowned at my thought. He got married, but he was alone today.. I wonder where Lisa has been... Oh well, it wasn't any of my business so I shook away the thought and closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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