Chapter 67

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Michael's pov:

I was sitting on the bed looking around. The room was really nice and quiet big. There was a flatscreen on a wall with a little sofa in front on it. On the other side was the huge king sized bed I was sitting on and a dresser. While I was looking around a door engaged my attention. I slowly stood up and made my way towards the door and opened it. Behind it was a really bathroom with a shower, a bathtub and two sinks with a huge mirror above them. I really liked it and started to feel really well here. Silent giggles and laughter caught my attention I turned around and looked at the window in my bedroom. I made my way over to it and looked outside. The view was really great, you could see the whole garden and to my surprise it was huger than I thought. Between huge trees and all kinds of flowers there were swings, a slide and a sandbox where Mila was playing. Alexa was sitting next to her and fake trying Mila's sand cake. A smile was forming on my lips, I was finally happy. A sigh escaped my mouth remembering everything that has happened in the last few months. I lost my wife but got a very amazing friend back, then I saved her daughters life and now i'm living with them, well at least until I can or have to go back to Neverland. Though i've been here for just a few hours I knew I didn't wanna leave. Neverland was my home and I loved it from the bottom of my heart but since Lisa left I've been lonely again. And being around Alexa felt kinda good, whenever we texted or talked over phone I felt a sort of tickling in my stomach. Whenever I was sad could brighten up my day just with a smile or a giggle. And Mila... well she's the cutest little thing i've ever met. I love all the children all around the world but Mila was really special to me. She could sense when I was upset and would immediately come and hug or cuddle me. I truly love this little girl. Suddenly the door of my room swung open and I woke up from my daydream spinning around to see who entered the room. To my surprise Frank was standing in the door with two large suitcases. He was leaning against the door frame and breathing heavily. I couldn't help but chuckle at his red face gasping for breath. "Hey" was the only thing he managed to say. "You ok? Or should I call an ambulance?" I joked "Hey" he said and pointed with his finger at me "The next time" he paused a second to catch his breath "The next time you can get your damn luggage on your own" he warned. You know, Frank wasn't the tallest nor the thinnest but he looked strong but he wasn't. Whenever we went on tour one of my bodyguards had to carry his luggage. "I hope these two are all you need" he added while walking towards me. "I hope so too. Otherwise I'll call you" I chuckled. He shook his head and waved off turning around "If you need me, I'm downstairs drinking everything Alexa owns"  with that he left my room and walked downstairs. I shook my head and chuckled turning my attention back outside where Mila was now playing alone in her sandbox again. While I was watching her play there was a slight knock on my door, I turned around to see Alexa smile at me. "Hey" she smiled at beautiful smile making my knees weak "Hey" I said and bit my lip, I always did that when I was shy or nervous. She looked down and smiled even more before she looked back at me "Would you mind getting ready? I would like to take you and Mila somewhere" she grinned "W-where will we go?" I asked "Do I need a disguise?" only then I noticed that my suitcases were still standing in the doorway. "No you don't need a disguise this time and it's a surprise" she answered laughing. "Well... do I need to wear anything special then?" I asked wondering where she would take me on a Saturday evening. It was about 6pm and surly there would be people still walking around. "Are you sure I don't need a disguise?" I asked again slightly worried. "You know, wherever you wanna take me, I don't wanna cause any attention, and the least thing I want is people taking pictures of you or Mila. I don't want the press to start writing lies about you. I don't want rats, paparazzi, to hunt you just because they saw us together" she looked at me with that sweet and innocent smile slowly shaking her head "Mike, I can totally understand your concern but you have to trust me with this, I made sure there won't be any people and Frank will join us too, he'll play bodyguard for tonight. And we won't be out too long cause Mila has to be in bed at least at 8:30 pm" she assured me. I sighed and agreed. "I don't want anything to happen to you or Mila" I said and slowly walked towards her to get my suitcases. "I know" she said and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back when I was standing in front of her. "Come here" she said and pulled me into a tight hug obviously sensing my concern. I gently wrapped my arms around her holding her close. There was this ticklish feeling inside my stomach again. She slowly let go of me again and smiled "You'll like it Mike, don't worry ok?" she said and softly rubbed my shoulder. I nodded slowly in agreement "We'll leave at 7 ok? So you still have some time to get ready. When you're ready, just come downstairs ok?" she added "Okay" I agreed. She smiled at me one last time before walking back downstairs. I took my suitcases and closed the door. I placed them on my bed and took out a few things I needed before walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

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