Chapter 7

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Alexa's pov:
Victoria finally arrived to pick me up.
Victoria;„Hey Ali!!", she smiled
Victoria:„Are you ready?"
Alexa:„Yeah I am, but I'm super nervous", I laughed,
Victoria:„Hey don't worry, you'll rock that show and then win!", she smiled.
I grabbed my stuff, we walked to her car and left to the competition.

Michael's pov:
We were sitting in the car on the way to the competition. Frank was checking his list and I just kept staring out of the window. It felt great not to be recognized, I could stare at the people and they wouldn't even care! It was great just to be not me for a few hours.
Frank:„You ok?", he smiled.
Michael:„Yeah, it's a great feeling not to be myself for once", I smiled back and watched out of the window again.
Frank:„Haha, well I'm glad you're happy", I laughed.
While watching out of the window I got lost in my thoughts.
Michael:„Did you tell the host to give this one girl a backstage pass?"
Frank:„Yeah I did, we'll meet her during the break or at the end of the competition"
I got really shy at the thought of meeting her. Actually I want her in my team, so I have to talk to her, but there's something about her that makes me feel uncomfortable and shy.
Frank seemed to notice that.
Frank:„Do you want me to talk alone to her?", he laughed.
I would have appreciated to say yes, but I didn't want to seem scared.
Michael:„No of course not, I want her in my team, so I will talk to her"
Frank:„Well then everything is alright?"
Michael:„Of course it is".
He laughed.
Thank god we arrived before he could say anything else.
We got of the car and went inside.

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