For mom

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Lucy P.O.V. 

As I walk home I start to get scared to see what my dad will say about me not coming straight home after school. 

He gets drunk and he gets very angry. I get to my driveway and I go to the door.

I take a deep breath and open the door.

"LUCY!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!" I hear my dad scream

I try to walk to my room but he comes out of nowhere and pulls my hair back.


I hold in tears as he beats me and calls me names.

'I have to be strong' I think, 'for mom'


{Next Morning}

I wake up and I wince at the wounds on my arms and legs.

I start getting dressed and put makeup over the bruises so no one could see them.

I quietly go downstairs and get out the house as quickly as I can.

As I walk to school I get a message.

From Natsu: Good morning!

From Lucy: Morning 

From Natsu: I just getting to school. I will see you in a bit :)

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