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Lucy P.O.V.

As I'm frozen my dad sees me and I see he has a gun.

"If you don't give her to me I will shot the pink haired boy." He says as he points at Natsu. I notice Wendy in the room and I put my hand up to my ear like a phone and sign 911. She runs to the phone and hides.

"Nobody needs to get hurt Jude" Igneel says.

"Just give me my daughter!" He screams.

"I'm sorry I cant" Igneel says back.

He then points his gun at Natsu and my eyes widen. He pulls the trigger and I scream.

I jump in front of him and take the blow in the stomach. I fall to the ground and Natsu catches me.

He looks at me with fear in his eyes.

Igneel hits the gun out of his hands and he punches him in the face.

I look at Natsu and he caresses my face and I lean my face into his hand.

"Just hang on, We will get you help." he whispers.

I nod and he puts my head on his lap and runs one hand in my hair and one is on my wound.

Igneel had beat my dad until he passed out. He come quickly to my side and Wendy came into the room and saw me on the ground. She started to cry. "The Ambulance and cops are coming" She says.

Natsu looks at me and smiles. I see a tear in his eyes and I see that he is scared. I signed 'I love you'

"I love you too" He whispers. I suddenly hear sirens and I notice the ambulance is outside.

People quickly run inside and see if I'm okay. They get am into the ambulance and only one person is aloud in, and of course its Natsu. He sits next to me and hold my hand while telling me story's about his pasted trying to calm me down, so I listen.

We get the hospital and they rush me into the emergency room. But before I did I signed 'i love you' to Natsu and he signed back the same. I then fell asleep hoping to wake up soon.

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