New people

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Lucy P.O.V.

I see 4 people. 2 boys 2 girls.

"Hey Natsu!" One girl with blue hair says happily.

"Gihi" A boy with black hair laughs.

"Natsu, its nice to see you out of school!" a girl with red hair says.

"Yo Dragonboy!" a boy with navy blue hair says.

I hide behind Natsu. He smiles "Hey guys!" He says happily.

I hold onto the back of Natsus shirt.

"Laxus couldn't make it, he already had plans." the boy with black hair says.

"Um, flame idiot, who is that behind you? The boy with navy blue hair asked.

Natsu turns around and smile. "This is Lucy, she is my girlfriend" He says grabbing my hand.

"Luce let me introduce you to everyone, The blue haired girl is Levy. The red head is Erza. The one with all the peircings is Gajeel. And the idiot right there is Gray." he says pointing at them. 

I giggle at him calling Gray an idiot and wave at them. "wait Natsu, you have a girlfriend?" gray asks. 

"Who would have thought HE could get a girlfriend before me?" Gajeel says before Levy stomped on his foot.

"What was that about shorty?!" He yells

"Maybe if you weren't such an idiot then you could get a girlfriend!" she huffs.

I giggle at their antics.

Natsu shakes his head and waves his hand. 

"Okay guys come in" he says letting them walk in.

This will be a fun night

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