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Lucy P.O.V.

I shift slightly as Grandeeny is helping with my graduation gown. It was really big so shes fixing it to fit me properly.

She looks at me and smiles "I'm so happy you and Natsu met each other, I can't even imagine you not being here with us." I smile

"I'm happy too, without Natsu I could have never been safe." I say happily.

"Well you need to get to rehearsal, I'll drive you and Natsu there." She says walking to the door.

I nod and get Natsu.

~Time skip~ 

We are driving and Grandeeny starts talking.

"Okay guys, I need to tell something to you that I know you two wont like, I also don't particularly like this, but we can't change it."

"Well what is it?" Natsu asks holding my hand.

"Well, Jude is gonna make an appearance, he won't be there for the ceremony, but they will bring here for him to see you for the last time." She says looking both ways then turning on the road to school.

I stay silent.

"What?! He almost killed Lucy!!!" He yells

Grandeeny sighs "I said that too but they wont change their minds."

I look at Natsu "Its okay"

~Time skip~

The ceremony was about to end and I was supposed to see my dad.

I wasn't happy, but part of me thought maybe he could change. I want to meet the man my mother fell in love with, I know my father always loved my mom. But I still don't understand how he changed so suddenly.

I hear footsteps and look behind me. I see my father and five men surrounding him.

My father steps forward.

"Lucy, I am so disappointed in myself. I thought when I met your mother everything would change, and it did, but then I lost control.

You see, I had always been violent, something is wrong with me, we are still trying to find out what it is. I met your mother and I changed. 

I married her and when she got pregnant, I was so happy, but not long after you were born, I lost control. I hate myself for everything, You and your mother shouldn't have had to live with that. I'm so sorry Lucy." By the time he was finished he was crying.

I stand there shocked. 

"I gained back my control after I s-shot you" He says sadly.

"I-I don't know what to say." I say softly.

He sobs softly "That's the first thing I've heard from you" He whispers

I walk up to him and hug him. He tenses but hugs me back.

I lean back "If you want, you can stay for the ceremony, you could even meet Natsu" 

He nods "Well its not my choice, its them." He points to the men behind them

"I don't see a reason why he can't stay, but we'll still stay close to him." one of the men say

I smile and nod "Well I have to get to my seat, I'll see you after the ceremony" I say as I run out of the room

~Time skip~

The ceremony has started and Natsu is about to get called.

"Natsu Dragneel." The man announces

The Dragneels stand up in the crowd and cheer.

I smile and giggle softly as Natsu runs onto the stage and screams 'I made it!'

Soon later it was my turn to be called up

"Lucy Heartfillia" He announces. 

I walk onto the stage and get my diploma. The dragneels stand up and cheer, and on the opposite side of the stadium My dad and the guards stand and cheer.

I walk back to my seat and smile.

'I made it!'

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