Meet THEM#5-Hongbin aka Lee Hongbin

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God of Beauty-Hongbin!!
Beauty is something every one like....
And also beauty is something that every one want...
But to him beauty is just something that everyone have when they are born! As he knows and sees it with his eyes when we can't see. He is the one to remind us about beauty!
But we are just vain to see it! He loves how everyone look at his eyes. He sees the beauty in their souls. But none caught his eyes. But none seem to have that beauty he is searching.
Like,The Others, even if he is fed up of his work, he can't ignored it because it is something that he is born with it - Beauty!

Hongbin's POV

Ken and Hyuk ran to their room!
But I was caught up with N. He looked so stress this days. I know why..we are know why...but we ignored it,while he can't! I walk up to him. And place a hand on his shoulder, I know he needs it. He looks up and smile at me. I smile back, for a while I feel like we are back home but then again We can't we just can't
So I sighed and rub at N indicating I will be in the room!!!
As I walk pass Leo and Ken's room,or 'Keo's' as how ken called.... I heard ken screaming about Ravi wearing his dress and showering at theirs bathroom. But it was too quite after a second and I panic that something happen but then I remember Leo
So I shook my head and walk to N and mine room. Ravi must have gone to another party but I remember no one in Eastern high having a party today... Huh! Must be the neighboring school!
I search my phone as the sound indicate I have a message!!

Rich Ryuk><
Wanna head out ;)

I know what Hyuk means and with that wink emoji everything I am thinking complete.

You mean............

I answer back. Then,N comes to our room and I toss the phone at my bed and headed for the bathroom to change after I come out I see N already on his bed after changing. I check my phone and saw that I have an unread message. And we all know who is that from

Rich Ryuk><
Same place same time ^^

All right....but mine is still wide open so wait for a while okay don't do anything stupid without need my charm to bail out ;)

So I jump to my bed and pretended to be sleep I wait for a while and after confirming N was a sleep I jump out of my bed and trying to be as quite as possibly then open the window

'This is how is gonna be every time.....till that day' I thought
I guess they really do hate using the door... not just because of N ><

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