Meet THEM#6Hyuk aka Han Sang Hyuk

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God of Dream-Hyuk!!
Dream is where our dream get fulfilled
Dream is where we meet someone we want to meet
Dream is where everything is just perfect but sometime dream is the worst...Sometime it hunts us! But for he knows that we deserve it!
Or,We don't!
But everything we know is dream is a place where hope get fulfilled sometime him being the evil twists our dream!
But never less he helps us from those unwanted memory too!
He loves seeing humans resting at theirs pillow... He loves to see that because he feel himself useful at that time....
Among them he is the only one who enjoy his work,he just feel special!!!

Hyuk's POV

I mentally laugh!!!
By 'mine is still wide awake' means… I know…he means N is not asleep.
But for me i have no one to wait to fall a sleep as Ravi is not here I guess he took shower at 'Keo's' Room and this is not the first time he use their room OMG!!! Ken must be losing his mind
I hope Leo took a video of it hahhaha but no he is no like that! He is not fun!
I took a shower and put some fresh clothes. Then I walk out of the room and headed to the kitchen to eat something... Hey! Don't judge... I am a growing boy alright!!
Then I headed out from the front. Most of us don't used this door at night.... I started to walk at the sideway. Suddenly a hand is around my neck, I know who was it at the moment

"Hongbin" I say

"Hey! You are not fun you know" he says

I laugh and then it was followed by a comfortable silent...

"You know the moon is so beautiful" Hongbin says

"Not as you" I wink at him

He made a gagging sound and runs away I laugh and follow him

"Come back here,baby" I scream

Like that the night just end!!!

I wish to see you at my dream...huh!!!!
From next chapter the story begin!!!!
Or not...if I have a second thought
As we haven't introduced Minah!!!
^_^ Good night VIXX DREAM
BTW VIXX on MCB radio show YAY!!!
And ken is chosen as the team that they want to see again for the 3rd time at MBC duet festival
FIGHTING to ken and his partner and also VIXX ^_^

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