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Minah's POV

Well English end with Hyuk and Mr.Kim braking at each other.
The poor teacher,Hyuk makes fun of him in everyway. They were like Cats and Dogs. Hahaha!!!

Now what did I have next...Oh yeah Maths. MATHS God what have I done in the past to get this torture huh!

I took my book from the locker and headed to maths class.

Okay now.........where is the maths class?? I have been roaming for hours, okay okay for 5 minutes yes the bell has already ring. I am so la.....
There is the class.

"May I come in, madam" I say to the woman who is teaching class

She looks at me and say "Late at first day. Good impression"

"I am sorry! I get lost" I answer back

"Sure miss Minah.... Whatever suit you" she says

What is wrong with that women!!

I took the nearest empty seat and thought not to create any trouble as detention is never a clever option on the first day!!!

But a paper keep on hitting me.
I tried to ignore it but seems like that person doesn't know when to stop.

I turn around and saw Hyuk
He just smiles and looks at me while I glare at him

Here Miss grumpy is talking about some alien topic while Mr annoying, Hyuk, keeps on hitting me with the paper.

What's that boy problem???

That's is!
I turn around and again give him a glare
But that doesn't stop!!!

Finally when the bell ring I rush out of the class

And when to my locker and to get my books for the next class!

But I feel like someone is following me so I turn and saw Hyuk

"What" I say

But he doesn't answer my question and say "why didn't you look at any of my letter"

"What! all that papers is a letter" and I continue "if you pass it to someone I might read it but since you just hit it to me. I thought you are annoying me!"

"Oh! So passing paper is a new trend" he whispers or more like making mental notes

I shake it off and went to the gym class,as gym is more fun than being with a stalker

But he keeps following me!!!

"Huh! Don't you have places where you have to be" a stranger and me say at the same time

I look at my right and saw a God who look like he had jump down me

"Leo hyung~~~~~
You know me, don't you....?I love you
Until you go out with me I won't stop following you" Stupid Hyuk has to interrupt me from thanking that God...
Wait following him so he is not following me....
This is embarrassing!!!!!

I tries to sneak out of the situation but The God,I mean Leo has no mercy for me I guess as he looks at me with the face 'Who is she?' and at that
Hyuk turns his head at my direction and whisper too loudly "Do you feel it"

I guess Leo seem to thing that "whisper" is loud so he just stares at him and go to some room

"Leo Hyung I am talking to YOU!!!!!!" He screams and ran after Leo

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