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"Urg" That's the only word came from my mouth
I guess today was never meant to be my day

"Are you alright,hon?"

"Yeah mom I am alright" I said to my mom....... Wait

I opened my eyes and saw a middle age woman wearing white apron

Am I in hospital???

"Oh no you are not. You are still at school,hon!! By the way how are you feeling??" She asked

"I am fine" I replied

I guess I am at the nurse office
But why?,speaking of it

"Why am I here?"

"Oh you are unconscious. I am guessing you have been studying hard. It must be because of that
And yeah your boyfriend and sunny bring you here!!"

"WHAT!!!" I blinked at here
"My what??" I asked

"Umm your boyfriend and friend" she said sounding not sure

"Oh!!!" I said not wanting dragged the topic down she must had been misunderstanding someone who helped sunny to carry me all the way from my locker,I feel sorry for that person I meant I know I am quite heavy since I am always eating and sitting and eating and then watching and then eating and eating....well you get it!!!

Hey don't judge me eating is my life,okay and also you can't survived without eating!!!
I am hungry!!!

"Ah! Sunny said she had to go to class so leave this note" the nurse gave me a piece of paper
Which read "you have a lot to explain lady"
Speaking of class I also have class to attain
"Thank for letting me stay here" I said
"You can call me Gloria!! And welcome"

I picked myself up and when out only to be greeted with a bump

"Ouch" yup today was not my day

"I am so sorry!!! Are you alright?" A British accent spoke to me

I looked up only to be lost on bright green eyes "yy....yea..yeah" I shuttered

He chuckled and I frowned

He helped me up and I thanked him as I was about to leave

"I am Dave" he introduced himself

Well being a polite person that I am
I answered "hi I am Minah"

"Hi" he said

"Hi" I told him

He kept on smiling while looking at me

"Okay........I am late for class so.."
I was rudely cut off by the bell

"Its lunch time wanna grab something"

"Well I am not hungry.." Again I was rudely cut off by the growling in my stomach

Yup not my day!! I gave Dave an awkward smile

"I guess your stomach doesn't agree with you" he said laughing

Thank god he laughed off

"Yeah!" I said awkwardly and followed him

"So what are you having" he asked

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulder,picking some burger to satisfy my growling stomach

"Minah thank god you are alright"sunny screamed at me

"Please say that quietly" I said

"I am showing my excitement of seeing you!!! I miss you at the gym class! Don't you miss me?" She said

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