"Friend",Yeah right!

27 1 2

I turned around and met a.......I mean
"Mr.Madison" I screamed

At that Mr.Madison,the principal of Eastern high,gave me a look

"Hi to you too Miss Song,I was passing by and you look trouble so I just thought I did ask you if everything is alright!" He said

"Oh!!!" I said and added "Thank you. Its nothing Mr Madison"

"Okay but if you need help or anything just ask me or the other teachers" he said and went away

And I wished he didn't as

"Hi"said hongbin
I just looked at him and thus he said "hello!!! Hi!!! Hey!!!"

"Oh.....hi" I gave him and awkward smile and walked pass him

But he had another idea to stop me and continued the talk,which he found so comfortable while its not the same for me

"So....how are you feeling" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I heard you were not feeling well from Leo,so I was just asking how are you feeling??" He said

"Oh...I am feeling fine!" I said and smile and he just froze
"Are you okay?" I asked

"You smile" he said

"Yes of course" I said

"You smile" he said

"I am a human being so of course I smile" I said getting annoyed

But he just kept repeating his words again and again

"You smile" he said again

"Ummmmm....I will be going" I said awkwardly

As I was leaving,Hongbin grabbed me and pushed me to one of the locker

At that I screamed "okay buddy hands off"

But he just looked at me and smile,not doing anything but smile
his eyes followed my eyes trying to capture it but I kept looking everywhere but not at him at that he grabbed my face and faced it towards him and then I met his eyes and I can't just look away. Its liked he possessed power. His eyes looked like there were many mystery holding behind,many secret behind it while his smile was so pure. So pure! His lips looked so soft,I wanna grab his face and bring it to my lips

Like he heard I was thinking he moved closer to me and I stood there welcoming his closeness.

When his lips was just centimetre away from mine,when I can felt his breath he was pulled away and I felt like I was free from a trance

I blushed and looked up only to meet a black,yeah, black like the forest black like the darkness, eyes,it looked like it was angry and ready to kill anyone coming near it. And this pair of eye belongs to Ravi

Hongbin stood up and punched Ravi at the face. Me being me sneak out from the messy scene and ran instead of stopping it!

I returned to the cafeteria and sat with my friends. They looked at me and asked "what the F happen?"

"Ummmm nothing" I said

But sunny cuts me off and said "don't lied to me!!!

"I don't know,okay" I said

Jaeyeon was about to said something but she was beaten by Hongbin who came screaming "Don't run away from me! Don't you ever run away okay"

He grabbed my collar and glared at me.
At that the boys,Hyuseng, jack and Dongyun came forward and tried to grabbed hongbin but they were pushed away by Ravi

"Don't mates" said Ravi angrily

Sunny came up and told hongbin "put her down"
But hongbin just tighten his hold on my collar and looked at at sunny like he was about to kill her!!!

I was froze at my place like that time when I was pushed in the locker that happen just a minute ago. I was again loss at his eyes, I can't see anything but his eyes. I am pretty sure people are looking at us but right now I feel like no one exist,only just us two is there in the whole world,though it was kind of different from before.
Before his eyes were brown but now his eyes reminded me of Ravi's
It had that cold stare,that stare where you could killed people that stare where you felt like your soul had been sucked out!!!
But still I was amazed by it. I had butterfly in my stomach, Called me crazy

Then he threw me. Sunny moved to my side screaming and Jaeyeon on my other side while the boys catches me.
I looked at hongbin and saw Dave.
" what is he doing here!" I whispered

All the Vixx member were all here and I guess they heard my "whisper" as their eyes literally pop out and glare at me

What did I do to get their famous glare??

"Who is he?" Asked N

"What! who?" I asked

"Him" screamed Ken

"I am her friend" Dave said

"Friend!! Yeah right" said Hyuk

Leo just looked at me like he was disappointed at me again.

I looked at Leo and then to Hyuk

"Why do you care?" I screamed as I was all confused
From the day I was here things were all confusing and I didn't remembered much. It confused me and if those vision were real then they are not human....they are I don't even know

"What is happening here?" Mr Wang came and people who gather here started to disappeared

Six of them gave a glare and then that glare was then moved to Dave and like that they also leave.

Again leaving me to my confusion!!!


This is the most shortest story I ever write!!!
As promise!!
But its not edited so..... XD
Have fun reading

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