School day

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Minah's POV

*Beep Beep*

I hear my alarm and then shut it off!!!
As it was irritating.

After a second another *beep beep*
I groan and when to the bathroom
Then brush my teeth.

Now why do I have to wake this early today. Why?? Why?? Why??

"School" I scream, while the toothpaste spit out of my mouth and landed at the mirror

"Shit! I am so late...ottokke~~~" I mentally slap myself

And took shower faster than usual.

I run downstairs and make myself a toast and eat up as fast as I can and took off from the front door. Suddenly, the wind blow and shiver ran down my leg. Wait my leg!!

"OMG! I am going crazy. I forget to change" mumbling I ran upstairs again and put some jeans and sweater as it is kind of cold. I put my brown hair in a bun and put some eye liner.

"Done" I say to myself

Since I live alone here, I have no one to argue about everything.
Yeah, my family have to move at another state because of dad work but I don't wanna leave but apparently I have to leave since my mom already sold the house to someone. I make so much fuss about it and at that they have this great idea to send me to death Aunt solhyun house Yeah she died 1 years ago as mom says and her property remains as ours so mom suggested I should move here if I don't want to move with my family. Its not that I hate my family. Its just I don't wanna leave my best friend here, that's why!
But still I have to leave her, though the good news is I can still see my friend after one hour drive from here.
So just for that I am here! YAY!

I go and took the bus to school, no need to waste petrol. Save mother earth!

After 15 minutes I reach Eastern High School. Now let's hope I make some friends to pass 6 hours quickly.

I went to the principal's office and knock!

"Come in"

"Hello! I am Song Minah. Can I please have my scheduled,sir" I told to the person sitting at the chair controlling the laughter that's gonna escaped any minute as he is covered with baking powder

"Ah! Miss Minah here's your scheduled and welcome to eastern high. Have a nice day" he says, trying to ignore the fact that he is covered with backing powder...we got a prankster here!

"Thank you" I say, giving him a smile not at his baking powder but just a simple smile

I went out of the room and saw a blonde boy being drag buy a teacher, that must be the prankster

"Hey, that hurt you know. My ear is sensitive. And plus its not my fault that he have a cooking incident" say the blonde with a pout. He is cute

Okay I am officially crazy

No I am not!

Yes I am arguing with myself

People do this you know

Ignore IGNORE!!!

"Shut up, Mr ken!" Say the teacher who look like he want to quit his job

I give them a bow not to the blonde but for the teacher. He smile at me while the blonde stare at me giving me an unexplainable face!

"Ow" the blonde groan as he hits the door while....well...staring at me

I don't give them a second look as I have a lot to do today

Not getting lost
Make friends
Stay out of trouble, but I don't know about this one as trouble seem to be my middle name
Focus on class
Go home early

I guess that's the end of today list!
I look around for my locker and after a great hunt I found my locker.

I open it and look at my list...

"What do I have for my first class" I mumble


That's all I guess. I mentally groan at the word gym. I am not a person who love sweat!

After taking out the English book, I headed out for the class.
I get this strange feeling that someone is watching me, its okay it must be because I am new...shrugging it I continue to walk but I can't ignore that feeling so I turn around and saw boy with black hair staring at me. As our eyes met he looks away and started walking his way.
So copying him I started my way to English

I guess I am early only a few student is only sitting at the class. So I pick a chair and sit down. I tried to look for someone to talk to but everyone is occupied with their book or phone
This is why I hate moving!! anyway since everyone is busy
I took out my phone and enter my Twitter account and look for some things that will get my interest. After a while of searching it got bore so I look out at the window to look for something interesting.
As minutes tick by the class is full!
And the teacher walk in

"Hello class I am Kim Saeho as all of you know since we have a new student I am introducing myself so stop groaning will y'all" he say

"Now Miss song can you get up and introduced yourself" he continue but I groan as everyone eyes is on me

'I will if they stop staring' I wanna say but no. Stay out of trouble

"Hello I am Song Minah I love reading" I say as I can't said I love eating

Some respond "Another nerd" while some clap

"Thank you Miss Song and class now turns to" the teacher don't get to finish his word by the sound of someone bursting in the door.
I look up at the person and saw a boy with brown hair.

"Its good to see that you don't wanna miss the first day of class Mr. Han" the teacher say

"Well I don't wanna be missed by you. Do I" Mr.Han says

The teacher just snorted and told him to grab a sit.

He made his way to the empty sit beside me

He turns at me and my eyes widened at that as I am kind of....well....staring at him so I look down blushing

He give me an unreadable emotion which reminds me of that blonde and the black hair boy!!!

Did I have something on my face? Is thats why?

Like as if he is reading my mind "no you don't have anything at your face... By the way I am Han Sang Hyuk,but you call me Hyuk" he give a smile that's so beautiful that you just wanna stare at it all day!

Sadly, I was interrupted by Mr Kim " can I help you Mr Han and Miss song"

I shook my head while Hyuk smirked and "Yes of course sir" he says

Well I guess English is gonna be FUN!

I don't have a second thought YAY!!!!
Have fun reading,reader ^_^

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