What happen yesterday?

36 3 1

My head..........
Hurt!!!! Its like I have a hangover!!!

Beep Beep Beep

"Urgh....shut up!!!!"

Omg my head....is pounding.
I got up and brush my teeth and went down for breakfast or more like for a coffee!

After my head clam down I dress up and went out to the bus stop.

After what seem like hours the bus finally come!

I sit on one of the seat and listen to some music!!

Today seem to be so boring!!!!
We reach the school and as I was walking down to my locker...

"U seem tired" sunny scream to me....well that's what it looked like to my ear

"Please don't scream" I scream back

"Moody!" She said and ignore what I just said
"You know."she said but I stop listening to her and took out English for my first class

I check my hair at the small mirror stick on the locker and as I was looking I saw Leo looking right back at me. I turned around but he wasn't there!!!!

What was that??

"Hey,tell me your number"suuny said

I groan not because I hate her for asking my number,its just that my head is punching me every time someone speaks

"OMG!! What did I do to you?" She asked

I ignore her and pulled her phone from her hand and punch my number and then leave her while I head out for english

Urgh speaking of english,Hyuk will be there! Great,I am gonna die!!

Sit at my seat and pulled my hoodies up so that no one will bother me especially hyuk

Mr Kim came and started the class
There is no sign of Hyuk in the class unless I am deaf or blind since if he is here he will be literally barking with Mr Kim and the class won't be so boring!!

What happen to him???

Why should I care???

I don't care we are not even friend to begin with and he is annoying!!

The bell rings and I headed out to my locker to get maths book and dumped this current books I am holding!!

As I open my locker,a hand slam it closed!!
I looked up and found hongbin with an angry looked

Why would he be angry at me??? I don't do anything to get him angry.
So I looked back to see if someone is behind me and i am blocking hongbin from staring angrily to that person but the hall where a minute ago is full of students is found to be empty really empty just like they all disappear!

Okay........."hi" I said to hongbin giving him a full teeth showing smile if we are on television my teeth will have those effect you know the one where a handsome person smile and his teeth just sparkle like that

"You have a boyfriend" he scream
I look at him as if he is crazy i mean I never told anyone about my boyfriend I mean ex boyfriend
Is he friend with...

"Are you friends with Evan? Why would he tell you that he is my boyfriend??? I mean we..." I lost my words as hongbin looked like he is gonna kill me

"Why would I be friends with this Evan person?" He said trying to clam down but his 'clam down' looks like "you are a dead meat" looked


"I what?? Just speak up"
I guess I am taking a lot of time to speak since he scream at me

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