Chapter 1

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Hana was  just a normal kid. Or maybe quite average. She wasn't pretty or average. She thought she looked ugly with the pimples on her face. She didn't care though. She was too lazy to bother with such things. She wasn't happy about today at all. It was the dreaded first day of school again. She hated the first day of school. Most of the time it meant that she was going to be separated from her friends and she had to make new ones again. She didn't want that. She hated the whole process of it.  Especially the introduction. She hated introducing herself. She was boring. She didn't have anything nice to tell. She so hated this.

Hana trudged to the school gate, dreading the day ahead. She walked towards the canteen, finding a table to sit. She slumped across the table and  took out her phone to play the games in it. 

10 minutes later, Bernice came over. Bernice was her classmate from last year. She had a tomboy-like hair and was quite athletic. Hana wasn't very close to her but close enough to say they were friends. Bernice always sat in front of her when it was the exams season so naturally they ended up talking to each other. Plus, Bernice came quite early to school, just like her, so they did chat around for a while every day. But they had different friends. Hana didn't mind though, she kind of liked her as a friend.

As Bernice dumped her bag down and sat down, she asked, "Hey Hana, which class are you going? Our whole class had been spilt up."

"301." Hana answered back.

"Really?" Bernice said happily. "Me too! Can't wait to see if any of our classmates made it to the same class as us."

Hana forced a smile back at her. She wasn't looking forward to this. She knew she wouldn't really know anyone in her new class, probably just some famous people from their batch of students. But Bernice definitely would know someone. She'll make new friends faster than Hana. She was more outgoing than her and knew more people than her. Speaking of friends, she had fallen out with her best friend of 2 years, Claire. She didn't know why they fell out. Claire just gradually stopped speaking to her. Hana couldn't be bothered with this. She knew she'll always lose her friends anyway. 

Right now, she really wished that this day will end soon. She wanted to go home.

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