Chapter 6

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The first week of school was pretty much how Hana expected it to be. Full of self-introductions and the fear of being giving responsibility. There was only just one thing to be happy about just one. 

Tuesday. Hana finally saw him. Her crush, Zach. Gosh, how much she missed seeing him every day. It was as if she couldn't live without seeing him at least once a day. Zach wasn't very good-looking. Just average? Hana started having a crush on him last year. She didn't know how it started but somehow she started to look forward to seeing him walk past her classroom every morning and being super shy when she saw him when it was time for club activities-they were in the same club, the library club-. He hadn't talked to her yet and Hana hoped that he didn't notice anything. But the sad thing was that he's graduating this year. She had to try to see more of him and hopefully he comes back to school when he's free. This year, Hana didn't think that she'll be seeing much of Zach because his classroom was on a different floor from hers. She used to be able to see him almost every day in school because his classroom was on the same level as hers. She's got treasure every glimpse of him. And, she couldn't let him know she liked him. 


Thursday. Honestly, Hana wasn't expecting this. She never thought that it'll come to be her turn. Hana had been chosen to be the chairperson for the day. Just great, she thought. Just great. Hana never liked taking a leadership postion. She didn't like having responsibilities, making announcements to the class and having a leadership position meant that she was going to be very busy, which she didn't want. Though some people may really want the position because it makes their result slip looked good. Hana didn't like this type of people, they're just so damn fake. Yes, she admitted that in the world outside school, everything was determined by how nice your result slip or resume looked. But Hana didn't really care. She could ruin her life for all she care. 

Now, she was on her way for a briefing. And the worse part was, she was late because she wasn't paying attention to the announcements made during morning assembly. Hana tried to join the group of students attending the briefing quietly but the teacher-in-charge noticed her and asked,"Which class are you from?"

At that moment, everyone turned to look at her. It was really embarrassing. She wished she could run away to the toilet to hide. Trying to ignore all the stares, she said, "301."

The teacher gave her a nod and proceeded to continue the briefing. But that wasn't the end of what she needed to do. She still had to give Miss Oh the details of the briefing, which was for the Chinese New Year celebrations. Hana hoped that she was doing the right thing, giving the details to Miss Oh to announce it to the class. She hoped that she didn't misheard anything and certainly wished that she really didn't have to make the announcement herself. Hana really didn't want to do that. 


Throughout the rest of the week, Hana had met all of the teachers that were going to be teacher her for the year, well except her form teacher who was also her chemistry teacher. And some of them left quite an impression on her.

First, there's Mr Hu, her English teacher. He's really a funny guy. Hana had fun during his lessons, though she didn't think that the lessons were of any use. It's always just about how to write good essays and how to tackle exam questions. And, he looked amazingly like her English teacher last year,  Mr Dan. At the thought of this, Hana was reminded of how she and Claire often joked about how the two of them looked alike, especially the days where they wore the same colored shirts. No, she must not think of Claire, she thought. She wouldn't give in first. It was Claire who started it, not her. 

Moving on, there was Mr Lee, her math teacher from last year. It wasn't that he was bad at teaching, Hana had done quite well last year, it's just that he made her want to fall asleep sometimes. And one more thing that Hana didn't want to admit, his lessons are just really boring sometimes. Not to mention, how scary he was when he flared up in class last year. Hana shuddered to think of it. 

Next, was Mr Dee, her advanced math teacher. The first impression he gave was just 'wow' and it got Hana really worried. The first thing he said was that he expected everyone to get either As or Bs for their A levels next year, because her class was supposedly the best class. Great. Hana thought. Great. He was such a serious kind of guy that they had immediately started class the first time they met him. This, is not going to be an easy class, Hana thought. And the thought of this class being the best class, Hana was seriously worried about how she was going to survive here. 

Then,there was Mrs Son, her Chinese teacher. She looked nice though. But for the first lesson with her, Hana barely knew anyone except those in the same class as her and Min who was from the same club as her, as everyone was split up according to their results from last year. They had this self-introduction during the first lesson, which turned out to be an absolute disaster for Hana. Everyone in class was given an animal card and they had to relate themselves to the animal on the card. And, guess what? Hana got a tortoises while Min, who had gotten a cow, had managed to easily introduce herself  while relating to the animal. Hana's mind was totally blank. What on earth could she possibly say?! When it was her turn, Hana was seriously feeling super nervous about the introduction and worrying about what she should say. Whatever, she thought. Let's just think of any random thing. Calming herself down, Hana said, "Ummm... I'm Hana. AndI'm a resilient person, someone that doesn't give up no matter this tortoise."

Her voice trailed off at the end. She could already sensed and see people judging her for it. The two girls right in front of her, the kind of bitchy like girls that she hated, were already whispering and laughing at her silently. Hana felt wretched. Like it was her fault for getting that damn card?! She seriously wasn't looking forward to Chinese lessons anymore. 

There was also Mr Nick, her geography teacher. He looked nice and kind of handsome. And Hana heard that he was in a relationship with Miss Oh. How interesting!


To sum up the first week of school, there was simply just one word for it: Terrible. Hana wondered how she would get through the year and whether she would make any new friends because so far, she's still having recess and lunch alone. What a sad start to her new year at school...

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