Chapter 8

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It's March now. And Hana's having a school break. She should have been happy actually. It allowed her the break of trying to be friendly to Sasha, though she kind of found Sasha to be annoying sometimes.Sasha's really smart and she kind of knew it but she kept acting as if she was going to fail every single test or something when apparently she's going to ace it. Hana just couldn't understand why. Was she doing this so that she could be even happier when she gets back her results? Hana didn't know and didn't care. All she knew was that every time Sasha did this and got a high score for the test, Hana felt sadder and sadder every time. But still,she tried to make friends with Sasha, she needed a friend in this class to get through this year and the next year. Plus, Bernice already had her own group of friends, which wasn't the kind of people Hana liked to hang out with, and she didn't want to bother Bernice. But it was just hard to get close to Sasha. She already had a few friends: Carrie and some of the other scholars. It was just too hard to try to fit in. Hana had eventually gave up.

The school break wasn't any better either. She was stuck doing homework. Yes, homework. There was just so much homework to do. To make matters worse, there's the mid-year exams coming up. And Hana being the studious girl she always is, would always study in advance. But actually, the reason she studied in advance was that she couldn't memorize everything that she needed to just before the exams because she couldn't memories things fast enough so she needed more time. But thinking back, Hana realized that she'd never gotten the chance to do what she intended to do in the holidays was because she was such a study freak. She had to study for everything. And really everything. She'd never went for a test without studying at all. That probably explained what a nerd she was.

 Yes, she was such a nerd. Hana didn't go out in the holidays like how all her classmates are doing now. She just stayed at home and studied. She was envious of the pictures all her classmates were posting on facebook now. But too bad, she didn't have friends and nor did anyone asked her to go out. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. Hana thought. Just concentrate on studying. 


School break's over. Back to school. Great.Back to that hell-hole, Hana thought. 

It was advanced maths lesson now (aka amaths). The lesson that Hana hated the most. Mr Dee went through everything so fast that Hana had a really hard time keeping up. It wasn't that she couldn't do math, it's just that the lesson's going way too fast for her to process anything. All she did was to copy and copy whatever that's on the board. 

Mr Dee had just given everyone a few math problems to solve. Hana stared at the questions, not knowing what to do or how to start. After a few frustrating minutes, Hana gave up. She turned to Sasha and asked, "Hey, how to solve the first question?"

"Hang on a minute, I'm almost done." Sasha replied without looking at her. 

Hana watched enviously as Sasha worked her way through the questions. While waiting, she looked around. Mr Dee was busy helping others. Hana turned back. It wasn't that she didn't want to ask Mr Dee. It was just her being too scared to ask him. Hana didn't know why but she just has this fear of asking the teacher something and that's why she'd never raised her hand in class unless there was a need to. 

She turned to watch Sasha once again. She had been waiting for Sasha to help her with the questions for a while. When was she going to help her? Hana wondered. She decided to ask again. She tapped Sasha's hand and said, "Umm... Are you done yet?"

No reply. Maybe Sasha didn't hear her. Hana repeated her question again.

Still, no reply. Hana turned back to her work in disappointment, pretending to scribble something as Mr Dee walked by. She must have been tired of me asking her questions all the time, Hana thought sadly. Maybe she wasn't good at math after all...


Yay!!! Goal achieved!!!! Previously I was kind of sad that my reads didn't increase at all one or two days after I updated chapter 6. Now, I'm glad to know that there are people reading this book, which really makes me very happy. And good news!!! I've reached a hundred reads! Thanks to everyone that kept on reading this book! :) Please keep reading! 

So...there's a confession I want to make. I was saving this till the end of the book but I'm not sure if I'll even reach there. Ok, here I go. *takes a deep breath* To be honest, Hana's actually me. This is my life story, with some parts exaggerated or changed a bit of course (to get some plot for every chapter so I would have something to write). My story really damn pathetic, ok. I won't be surprised if u guys find it boring. Because my life is actually boring. The reason why I wrote it is because this is the year where my life starts to go wrong. And another reason I wrote is might be because I want people to know my sad life? I don't know... I just felt like writing this story. It feels like I'm revisiting the prelude to my epic sad life. 2012, was just the start. The sad bits come the next year. And the next next year. Hopefully u guys will keep reading. And hopefully, i'll be able to finish this book and continue a sequel. (P.S. I've never finished writing a book before because either I got bored of it or I was too busy and just gave up on it hahaha so hopefully I might succeed this time)

Ok, I've said what I want to say so now for my goals for this chapter before my next update.

Goals: 9 reads, 1 vote,  1 comment

Thanks again for reading my book! Keep reading, voting and commenting please! Follow me too! And please help me to achieve my goals, pleaseeee!!! By the way, the next update's on 28 May. So stay tuned!

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