Chapter 22

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24 August. Today was Hana's birthday. But, at the same time, it was also the last day of their common test. There wasn't anyone in class that knew it was her birthday today. Even if she told anyone her birthday before, they had probably forgotten about it. Plus, she hadn't told Sasha and Carrie when her birthday was. They weren't that close yet. So, there was no one who knew that it was her birthday today. 

The last test had just ended and everyone was having a short break. Hana was sitting behind Bernice, who was talking to Steph who was beside her. They were talking about how the test went just now. Bernice had turned around and asked Hana how it was. Hana just said the usual "it was a bit hard".

Then Steph said, "Today's such a horrible day. It's the last day of our common test and we all still have to stay back for make up lesson. Plus, I heard Mr Dee had already marked finished our amaths paper and said that we had done quite badly. It's going to be sucky amaths lesson later."

"Oh, yea? My day's even worse, okay?" Hana said without thinking.

"Puh-lease, how can your day be worse when we all are in the same class?" Steph retorted.

"It just is worse than everyone else's," Hana said, not wanting to reveal that it was her birthday today. 

"Humph!" Steph snorted.

Hana turned away from Bernice and Steph, not wanting to talk to then anymore. What's the big deal about her day being worse than everyone else? There was no one who's going to wish her a happy birthday. This was why her day was really the worst out of everyone else's. But she didn't want Steph to announce it to the whole class and made the whole class song happy birthday to her. It's going to be so embarrassing. So, in the end, her birthday ended up being just any other normal day with the present of just passing her amaths common test. 

At home, it was no different. Her parents just treated it like any other normal day as usual. No cake. No present. No wishing her 'happy birthday'. This was how she spent her birthday almost every year since her parents stopped buying her a birthday cake, with the exception of a small present from Claire last year. She was so pathetic...


29 September. It's Sasha's birthday today. Hana had found out about it two weeks ago when Carrie asked when was her birthday and told her Sasha's and her own birthday. Hana didnt bought anything for Sasha. She didn't want to because she didn't to work what to buy. And, if she had mustered up the courage to ask her mum for more money to buy a friend a present, her mum would surely say it was a waste of money or to get her friend something cheap. Ok, Hana's family wasn't rich. But they weren't doing that badly. Still, Hana didn't want to ask her mum for money because she knew what her mum would say. Or maybe, she was really cowardly...

Hana saw Carrie sitting in the hall carrying a huge plastic bag while waiting for morning assembly to start like everyone else. She didn't know what to say if she hadn't bought Sasha a present. Sasha must have been expecting something from her. She had to make up some excuse. She nervously wrecked her brain as she walked towards Carrie. 

"Good morning!" Carrie said, waving to her as she spotted Hana.

As Hana sat down, Carrie asked excitedly, "Hey, what did you buy for Sasha's birthday? I bought her this cute little soft toy!"

Hana looked at the plastic bag beside Carrie, inside was a huge white fluffy teddy bear. Now what was she going to do?

Carrie asked, "Come on, what did you buy?"

"Uh... I... I..." Hana stammered. 

She took a deep breath and tried again, "I... I was so busy that I forgot..."

Hana's voice trailed off at the end. She felt ashamed of herself for being this way but she couldn't help it.

"Oh..." Carrie said, taking a while to take it in and then brightening up immediately. "Well, it's ok! It's your first time anyways. There's still next year!"

Next year? Hana dread to think of what excuse she would need to come up with next year...

Hana watched as Sasha thanked Carrie for her present and was happily hugging the teddy bear. She wondered how Sasha would feel if she told her she didn't have a present for her. She was really worried. Sasha was turning to her and said, "So, what do you have for me, Hana?"

Hana avoided eye contact and said in a small voice, "Sorry, Sasha. I kind of forgot about it..."

 Sasha face fell a little and said, "Never mind then."

With that, she turned to Carrie and began chatting excitedly with her, ignoring Hana. Hana turned away from them, feeling sad. Does she have to treat her like this? It's just a present. Was it that important? Why does everyone need a present for their birthday?! Why? Why do they have to make her feel so sad that she didn't have anything for her birthday? Why! 

Hana really hated her life...


Well, still no one reading the last chapter so far... But whatever. Anyways, Hana's struggle in 2012 is about to end so keep reading and stay tuned. And one more thing, school is starting soon for me (I totally dread it coz I don't know anyone) so updates have been changed it either Saturdays or Sundays. But I'll be posting a chapter this Saturday, 6 Aug! :)

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