Chapter 11

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The Zoo?! Are u freaking kidding me?! Who the heck goes to the zoo for a camp? Hana thought. 

All around Hana, everyone erupted in their own conversations, all of them shocked at having a camp in the zoo. Hana heard someone said, "Wouldn't it be scary to stay overnight in a zoo? What if the animals there escaped?"

"Quiet!" Mr Lim said sternly. "I know all of you would have a lot of questions about having a camp in the zoo. We'll have a briefing right now about some of the details and a few days later, the camp organizers will be coming over to brief you on what to bring and so on. So, pls keep your questions to yourself for now. If any one of you still have questions after this, please ask your form teacher. We'll start the briefing now."

Well, it turns out that they were going to have a three day two night camp in the zoo. Great, three days and two nights?! Would she be able to even fall asleep? Hana thought. And why does it have to be the zoo? Why? Is there even anywhere for the whole cohort to even sleep? And it's compulsory! It was a camp for bonding between everyone since everyone has been separated into different classes. But Hana didn't want to go. She hated camps. But there seems to be no getting out of this unless she fell sick on that day of the camp itself. However, her getting sick doesn't seem any likely to happen because, Hana hadn't gotten sick for the past two years. What was she going to do? She really didn't want to go.


Briefing number two. The camp organizers were here today. Sigh... Hana's parents had signed the consent form, allowing her to go. There wasn't a choice of not going. But still, Hana really dread this. 

Hana listened as the MC went on telling them some stuff to note and things to bring( written in a list that was going to be given to them later). Hana wasn't interested in the stuff he was saying. She just dreading that day of the camp.

"...Ok,and one more thing to note, there may be water games so please bring some extra clothes and shoes..."

What?! Water games? Hana groaned inwardly. It wasn't that she couldn't swim. It's just that she couldn't imagine going into the water anywhere in the zoo because it felt disgusting. I mean, it's water in the zoo! And please, please don't make us touch animals or anything. Hana prayed. She didn't like touching animals. It felt gross.


Day before the camp. There were just so many things to buy for the camp because Hana didn't have most of the stuff.

Hana watched as her mum ticked off the list of things she needed to bring and nagging at her at the same time to remember where she had put everything. 

There was really a lot of things to bring for a three day two night camp. Hana wondered if her classmates were going to bring as much as she did. She had luggage bag stuffed to the brim, a smaller school bag that's three-quarters full and a sleeping bag to carry. Gosh, would she even be able to carry all those stuff? They looked so heavy...


The next day. The day Hana dreaded. The day of the camp. It turns out that Hana didn't fell sick. It meant that she had to go to the camp. And Hana wasn't one bit happy about it. 

It was now 5.30 in the morning. Hana had just woke up. She dragged herself to the bathroom to wash up. Boy, she was really going to miss her bed and her safe haven. She really can't imagine going away for three days.

Hana tried to take her own sweet time washing up because she really dreaded it. But because of her obsession of not being late every time, she ended up going to school right on time. She took her bags from her dad and went into school with heavy footsteps. 

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