Chapter 4 Home Sweet Home

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When I was leaving my last class of the day, I found Dinah waiting by my locker.  "Here to be your escort all the way home, Megara!" she said cheerily.  

"Hey, Dinah." I said softly, grabbing my backpack and shoving textbooks into it.  

"How was the rest of your day, by the way?" Dinah asked me as I swung my backpack over my shoulders.

"Meh." I replied, "Elliot and Sam got me in trouble by putting Mr. Earl's tea under my desk!"

Dinah's eyes went wide after hearing what her friends had done.  "OMG!" she cried, "Those little-  I'll talk to them about why the heck they would do something stupid like that."

"Okay." I sighed, glad to be leaving after a long day.

We found Kaelyn and Mom picked up Dylan.  Dinah invited me to go to the park with her, but I told her I wanted stay home and relax for a bit.  I made my way up the stairs to my room while Dylan chattered happily to Mom about her day and Kaelyn was texting with her new friends.  Even though my day has some good parts in it, like Marionette asking if I was alright, I just didn't want to talk about it.  Instead, I stood in the doorway of my room, ready for a good sketch.

My room is fairly small, with a twin bed on the left side of the bedroom.  A white and red striped bedspread covers my white sheets and mattress.  It reminds me of a candy cane.  I have one white pillow and a red, decorative pillow in the shape of a heart.  I have an elegant style dresser, which on top I put many things.  I have all my swimming medals and trophies from when I did competitive swimming for four years in Winsconsin.  I also put up a DIY picture frame which I did two years ago with a picture of my Dad and I, so I'd always remember him.  I have an old doll from my childhood of which I named Rose, after Briar Rose from Sleeping Beauty (a good Disney movie, by the way).  Beside my dresser, I have a bright red, plastic waste-paper basket to throw my garbage in as long as it wasn't a food or gum.  My desk is where the magic happens, though.  It's white, but since one day in the summer Dinah and I were bored, we bought red ribbon and weaved it around the legs of the desk.  I have a space for the lab top that Dylan and I share on my desk (Kaelyn gets her own and it's no fair).  Along the back, I have all my favourite books, the Little House on the Prarie series, Alice in Wonderland, Teen Magizines, Pollyanna, etc, etc!  They all are in a nice order.  On the right side of my desk, my Beats By Dre sat, wireless blue and grey ones.  Totally awesome!  Then, there was the sketchbook Dad gave me, resting on the left, a creamy, thick, white sheet of paper blank and waiting to be covered by an illustration.  All of my very expensive pencil crayons, pencils, water colours, charcoals, pastels, were organized in their boxes they came in, all stacked up behind the sketchbook.  I grabbed the sketchbook and a set of pencil crayons and pencils, slumped into my spinning office-like chair, and began to sketch.

Surprisingly, I found myself illustrating a young girl who resembled Marionette.  She had the long, black hair, tumbling around her, the warm, cocoa coloured skin, the small, smiling mouth and soft features Marionette carried.  I sketched her wearing a dark purplish-blue dress with gold speckles moving down it, as if she were one with the stars.  I found it weird, that I was so interested in designing outfits for this girl.  I mean, she's just another fourteen year old girl, like me, I guess.

"Megan, dinner!" Mom shouted up the stairs.

Dinner already?  I thought, I haven't even started any homework yet.  "Coming!" I call back down.  I hurried downstairs and collapsed into my seat beside Kaelyn.  "What's for dinner?" I asked Kaelyn.

"Shut it." Kaelyn replied, crankily.  But, when Mom gave her the evil eye, she muttered, "Sorry.  Pizza."

"Cool." I said as Mom dished out salads.  After we all settled down and ate our pizza, Mom said , "Well, I heard from Dylan, but I want to know how Kaelyn and Megan's days were.  How were your days, girls?"

"Yeah, tell us!" Dylan urged.

Oh no.  I was scared to tell Mom that I got in trouble on my first day, but Mom knows if we are lying.  I decided to begin with the good parts.  "Walking with Dinah was good, I guess.  Her friends were nice.  Um, my work seems easy.  Yeah, that's about it." I stuttered.

"Mm hmm," Mom nodded, "Megan, I still think you're hiding something."

"Fine." I grumped and spilt out the whole story of Mr. Earl's class.  After that, Dylan's eyes were twinkling mischeviously. "You got in TROUBLE?" she laughed because, for an unfathomable reason, she adores when I'm in trouble.

"Yes!" I moaned, "But it isn't my fault!" I told my family.

"Megan," Mom dabbed her mouth with a red napkin, "I know it isn't your fault, but next time I want you to speak up in a polite way to Mr. Earl.  I don't want you or Kaelyn or Dylan to be on any teacher's bad side.  Understood?"

We all nodded.

"Good." Mom told us, "Now, who would like to do the dishes?  Who's turn was it last?"  And Dylan, Kaelyn and I had a giant fight over who had to do the dishes.

Home sweet home for sure.

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