Chapter 9 So It Begins

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Marionette thinks 'popular' isn't important.  Marionette thinks 'popular' isn't good.  I stood outside the door of the school, trying to urge myself in, but I couldn't.  Who knows what rumours could be spreading right now.  I was wishing for three things right now.  One of them was to grow mythical angel wings and fly away like Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, out into the sunset.  The second one was to have someone strong with me, a bodyguard maybe?  Then, if I got picked on, he or she would punch them in the face!  Thirdly, I wanted to go back in time and pretend this never happened at all.  

"Hey, Megan!"  I turned around to see Ember hurrying up to me happily.

"Oh, hey!" I said, even though I was in no mood to deal with her.  She was that one weird kid at school, so I didn't't want to be caught with her, giving Dinah some sweet, juicy gossip for that dang rumour she's going to start.  I guess I have no other choice.  "Hi," I told my friend, "um, I'm going to head inside now, I'm thinking about joining that Breakfast Club."

"Breakfast Club only happens from 7:45 to 8:30 on Thursdays.  It's Monday." Ember said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah!  Well, I just wanted to see if there was, like a registration form or something." I lied, "Anyway, got to go.  Bye!"  I jogged inside.  Leaving the friend who will stay true to me, through all this mess and trouble that has yet to come.

It was lunch when the trouble happened.  I slowly stalked up to Dinah's table, about to sit in my usual spot, when Dinah sneakily slid her backpack in my spot.  "Sorry," she said non-apologetically, "seat's reserved."

"For who?" I asked.

"For, for..." Dinah gulped.  That fox!  I guess she didn't think that I'd get this far, and would be the shy little Megan, and hurry away like a kicked mouse.  Yes, mouse.  "For who?" I repeated, louder.

"For someone who is not lesbian." Susan said, bluntly.

"What the heck, Dinah?  You don't tell people that I'm lesbian!" I cried, even though I predicted she would do this.  The reality just hit me like a tsunami.  "That's not your secret to tell."

"Then, you shouldn't have told me.  Caio!" Dinah said gleefully, dismissing me.

"Find somewhere else to sit, lesbian!" Piper snapped, joining the fun.

"I think you just ruined her moment." Peter said, placing a hand on Dinah's shoulder.

"You did." Dinah agreed.

"Soon, Megan and Ember will become Mrs. and Mrs. Lesbian!" Sam snickered.

"Is that the best you can come up with?" Carl questioned Sam.

"Ooh, tell me your crush, Megan!" Anna seethed.  

"I bet it's you, Anna!" Elliot laughed.

They were my first group of friends.  They prevented me from being alone on the first day of school.  Dinah was the one I'd watch Disney Princess movies with, even though we are too old.  Elliot was the one who helped me place all the books in my locker shelves, when I was struggling immensely.  Piper was the one who taught me how to do a cartwheel, which I could never perfect back at Winsconsin.  I bit my lip, and ran off the other way.  I had no idea where the heck I was going, but I needed to get away from Dinah's group.  I was no longer a friend of their's.  I was a lesbian victim.

I found myself in the corner of the gym, where all the weirdos eat.  Better get used to it, I thought, because you're a weirdo now, too.  Then, I thought, am I really a victim?  Am I willing to call other people weirdos, but expect people to treat me nicely?  Is that really how life  works?  I thought back to Marionette, she's really nice and popular.  She thinks 'popular' isn't real, though.  Maybe that's what makes her so loveable around peers, because she treats everyone as an equal, making them feel happy.  Suddenly, I didn't feel as terrified of my future in Peterman High as I was earlier.  So, you want to pick on me, Dinah Colby? Then fine, do it.  I thought, a determined look on my face.  I clenched my hands into fists and said out loud, ignoring the people looking at me, "C'mon, Dinah.  Bring it on."

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