Eight- I'm just a phone call away

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Isabella's POV

We got home at around 7, went to our houses-well I went to mine. Cara went to the Fuentes house hold- ate, and changed into different clothes before heading back out to Vic's car with his acoustic and headed to the beach for a night by the water. We brought a picnic basket with a bunch of shit like alcohol, weed, snacks and a blanket to put on the sand.
Once we got there we walked down the beach and found a perfect spot. There were still people here but it didn't bother us. The sun was slowly setting but it was still pretty. We were all wearing long pants but Mike kept on his Harry Potter shirt, I changed into one of my old school gym shirts, for some reason Vic kept his adidas sweater on and Cara had a transformers shirt on.
"Come walk with me" Mike said getting up and extending his hand for me. I took it and he helped me up.

We started walking farther away from his brother and his girlfriend and that's when he took my hand making sure I don't leave.
"What's on your mind?" He asked.
"Nothing why?"
"I don't know. You seem out of it" he said stopping to look at me. I kept my head down but it soon changed when he lifted my chin up with his fingers.
"Look me in the eyes and say nothing's wrong" he told me.
"Why do you wanna know what's wrong?" I asked.
"Because I care about you and I don't want anyone to hurt you. Ever you understand me Bella?" I nodded.
"Also. I found out the meaning behind your nickname. Bella means beautiful in Italian and its 100% true" I felt my cheeks become red and smiled.
"One day, that smile will reach your eyes" he whispered pulling me into his body. I held onto him tightly. Like I was scared to loose him or something but he did the same and I felt safe in his arms. We let go and he looked down at me. I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. I felt him smile into the kiss and we broke it.
"Just know whenever you feel upset or something call me. Fuck I live next door. Come over and we will talk. Not make out but actually talk because I want my Bella to be happy" he said.
"Im happy when I'm with you" I told him making a smile appear on his handsome face.
After we mentally decided it was time to head back to the other two.

"Stop kissing that's cooties" Mike said sitting on the blanket and me sitting beside him. Vic and Cara stopped making out and Vic sat with his legs crossed.
"Oh. Check this out. The other day our cousin Nick sent me the tabs for one of sleeping with sirens' new songs" Vic announced reaching for his acoustic and his phone. He started tuning the guitar but then looked up at me smiling.
"Yes I, Victor Vincent Fuentes have never taken a guitar lesson in my life and I can not read music, do not judge me" I rose my hands.
"Wasn't saying anything"
"Good" he answered.
"Our dad always said to play with your heart and soul so that's what we do" Mike added.
"I love that. Play with your heart and soul" I said quoting what he just said.
"Okay I got it. It's their song gold but they're like putting it on an acoustic album so, this is it I guess"  he said. He rolled up his sleeves so he would be able to play better. But that's when I saw it. The reason he wears long sleeves. Millions of scars lined both of his perfectly tanned arms. I saw multiple fresh cuts too and it broke me. Knowing that someone who always seems so happy like him, was so broken. I casually looked at Mike to see he seemed upset but didn't want to show it. That's when it hit me. Mike looks out for people he cares about because he doesn't want what's happening with Vic to that person.
"Okay ready?" Vic asked taking me out of my train of thought. Is three agreed and he started playing.

All we want, what we want is
All we want is gold
Sunsets on Long Island
Roll the windows down in the van
Lost my map on the Jersey Turnpike
It's Okay, we ain't looking back
All we ever want is gold
One way on this winding road
We made our mistakes
It's not too late
We had to learn the hard way
Bridges will burn
Now it's our turn
We had to learn the hard way
'Cause all we ever want is gold
We made our mistakes
It's not too late
We had to learn the hard way

He started laughing.
"I'm fucking up so badly Jesus Christ" he said still strumming.
"No keep going" Cara insisted. Mike and I agreed with her.
"Nick would be disappointed" and he started singing again.

It's 2 in the morning
Can't seem to find the words for a song
I remembered my dreams
And how far they seemed
I can't believe how far we have come
All we ever want is gold
So it's 60 miles on this open road
We made our mistakes
It's not too late
We had to learn the hard way
Bridges will burn
Now it's our turn
We had to learn the hard way
'Cause all we ever want is gold
We made our mistakes
It's not too late
We had to learn the hard way
Don't lose your faith in me
(Don't ever look back, don't ever look back)
It's never what it seems
You'll make your mistakes
But it's never too late
We had to learn the hard way
You made your mistakes
It's not too late
You had to learn the hard way
Bridges will burn
Now it's your turn
You had to learn the hard way
'Cause all we ever want is gold (oh, oh)
All we ever want is gold
We had to learn the hard way
All we want
What we want is
All we want is gold
What we want
All we want is
All we want is gold

Once he was done, we clapped for him and he smiled setting his acoustic down and bringing his sleeves back to his hands. Cara moved back to her previous spot which was beside him and she laid on his legs bringing one of his hands over her to play with the string of the bracelets sticking out of his sleeve.
"Hand me the basket" Mike told his brother. Vic handed it to him and Mike pulled out his bong.
"What the fuck I could've sworn I checked the basket before we left" Vic said. Mike shrugged innocently and started to set it up putting the weed in it and everything.
"You smoke bells?" Vic asked.
"She did last night" Mike said sticking his tongue out.
"Last night was the first time" Vic nodded.
"I remember when Mike said that a few months ago. He came home stoned out of his mind. Mind you he didn't tell me, he was rummaging through our cabinets looking for food and sat on the counter eating chips. That's when I found out little Mikey wasn't as innocent as I thought" Vic said.
"You smoke too" Mike protested.
"Yeah once in a blue moon" Mike held the bong and light it up taking a hit.
"Welcome to San Diego. All we got it women and the best weed" he said smiling. Vic sighed at the sight of his younger brother smoking. I'm assuming they had a talk about this.
"Who wants a hit?" Mike asked. Vic rose his hand and Cara sat up letting him take the bong. He inhaled the skunk like sent and blew it out into the hair. I opened the picnic basket and found whiskey.
"Party at the beach cause why not" I said opening it and taking a shot which even took me by surprise.

"Babes before you get drunk" Cara started giggling and turned on her phone.
"Add me on snapchat" I took out my phone and opened snapchat adding her. Once it was added I went to my stories to see she had posted from earlier today. Looking through her story, she took photos of her and Vic, post the group photos, me and her, even our snacks. But she also posted a photo of Mike and I at Disneyland walking ahead of them holding hands. I wonder what people will think of that.
Ignoring other people's thoughts I turned off my phone and took another shot of the whiskey letting the still cold liquor burn my throat.
"Truth or dare" Vic asked me.
"I'm not even drunk yet" I told him.
"Don't care truth or dare"
"I was called daredevil by my cousins growing up so dare"
"Run into the beach water" he stated. I looked around the beach. No one was around and it was now 9:30pm. This is going to be an eventful night.


Double update because why not.
So now we know Vic's little secret. Tbh I based this chapter off of the music video for Roger Rabbit because it's so cute so like picture Mike and Bella near the water like Kellin and Katelynne were when they had that moment.
I'm gonna make the next chapter more interesting trust me.
Let me know what you thought about this :)

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora