Seventeen- halloween pt2

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Isabella's POV

I was in the backyard standing near the pool talking to Jaime's girlfriend Jessica drinking when Vic stumbled out of the house drunk as hell.
"Hold on" I told her handing my solo cup over.
"Vic?" I asked walking close to the intoxicated boy. He looked at me and smiled.
"Bella" he slurred. I sat him on the closest chair and bent down looking into his eyes.
"Vic we've been here for three hours and you're so drunk. What did you drink?" I asked. He shrugged.
"Whatever I was given" he said laughing. So he was high too now?
"Who gave you weed?" I asked.
"I found it" shit. I walked back over to Jess and took my drink back.
"Hey uh could you possibly watch Vic while I go find his brother or Jaime so I could ask one of them something?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Where's the drunk child?" She asked. I lead her over to him and she pulled up a chair beside him.

Walking around the house and past many people, I found a witch hat sticking up from a crowd. Going towards it, I saw they were playing beer pong.
"Mike" I said over the loud music. He didn't hear me so I turned him to face me.
"Hey babe. Have you seen my brother?" He asked. Thank god he wasn't drunk. I nodded and took his hand taking him to Vic.
"Okay so he's drunk out of his mind right now and I don't know what to do. He's never drank so much before" I told him as we approached the two. Mike stopped moving and I looked back at him. He took me outside to the front yard so I would be able to hear him.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Vic has been drinking so much because of Cara. He promised me not to..." He trailed off and I then understood.
"Yeah and?" I asked.
"He started drinking when he became upset. I guess since it's a party he thought he could just get away with it all" he told me.
"So all this, is because of some twisted bitch?" I asked. He nodded.
"We need to get him home" I said. We walked back in the house and through it to the backyard. We walked over to Vic and Jess and Vic started laughing.
"Come on Vic" Mike said holding out his hand.
"No father"
"Victor. You're drunk as fuck let's go" he said.
"You can't tell me what to do. I'm older" he slurred. Mike then lifted his brother and brought him into the house. I said goodbye to Jess before catching up to Mike who was now putting Vic in the backseat laying down.

We walked back inside the house to say goodbye to Jaime and Tony explaining what happened with 'Pablo' before Mike pulled out the keys to drive but I stopped him.
"You sir are intoxicated as well"
"I'm not that bad. See I can walk and talk normally still" Mike wasn't a lightweight. He could drink a lot and not be drunk. Vic on the other hand, not so much.
"Passenger seat. Now" I demanded. He sighed and handed me the keys before walking to the other side. I took off my heels so I would be able to drive more comfortably and got in.

We got home at 11:30. Mike once again picked up his brother and brought him inside. I said goodnight to the two-their parents were sleeping- and went over to my house.
After my shower, I went on my phone and checked Twitter, Instagram and snapchat. The usual. Jaime, Jess, Tony, Mike, and Vic all posted on their stories. Whether it was just a few photos or many videos, they posted. I did too though. Even if we've only been there for a few hours it was still fun.

Vic's POV

I woke at I don't know what time and groaned. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and threw a pillow at it. My door opened and I lifted my head to see my little brother walking in with Advils and water. Thank god.
"Good morning Pablo" he greeted. I just flipped him off.
"Here" he said holding out his hands that held my saviours at the moment. I sat up slowly and took them from him swallowing the pills.
"So, had fun last night?" He asked.
"What even happened?" I asked. All I remember was being upset with the amount of couples I saw making out and then started to drink.
"You drank a bit too much and smoked more then I thought you ever would" I just looked at him. No way in hell I got drunk and stoned.
"Bullshit" he nodded.
"It's the truth. We left at like 11 or something"
"Great" I said laying back down.
"What?" He asked.
"I ruined your Halloween night. I'm sorry Mike" I told him.
"Nah it's fine. I don't care. If I did then I would've left your drunk ass stumbling around the house till I felt like going home" I chuckled and then closed my eyes.
"Awe is little Vic's head hurting him?" My brother cooed. I pouted and nodded.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"12:30" I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Holy shit" he just smiled.
"Mom ended up buying us a box of candies since she knew we weren't going out to get some so when you come down there's snickers and shit" I nodded and he got up from my bed.
"Call me if you need anything" and he left.
"Mike" he peeked his head in my room.
"Can you draw the shades?" I asked. He walked over to my window and closed them.
"Anything else little princess?" He asked.
"Fuck you I'm older" I stated.
"And I'm taller" I flipped him off and he laughed at me.
"Just because I'm laying in bed hungover doesn't mean I can't kick your ass"
"Get up" he said.
"No I'm hungover" he left my room and closed the door behind him.

Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and went on Instagram. The first photo I saw was one of Cara and her new boyfriend that she had just posted second ago. She was wearing a skimpy cat outfit and he was a dog. Doesn't surprise me since he's her little bitch though. But seriously who the fuck dresses her boyfriend on a dog outfit nowadays. Scrolling past it, many people posted about last night. By the videos and photos it was a fun one. Too bad I don't remember it.
I decided to get up and grab my sweater-in case Bella was over- that was sitting on my desk chair and also my glasses-in hopes of curing my headache- and walked downstairs.

When I got down, my parents were in the living room with my brother watching tv. The news to be specific. Finding out what happened last night and shit. I walked in the kitchen and found the bowel of goodies my brother was talking about. Picking up a mini snickers bar, I flipped it over and looked at the calories. There's so many.
"You shouldn't look at the numbers" dad said walking in. I set it back down in the bowel and looked at him.
"It's not that easy to just stop doing that" I told him. He poured water in the coffee maker and started it.
"I know we don't understand but we still want to help" I nodded.
"I know. But dad, it's kinda hard to just eat something and know it'll turn into fat"
"One bar won't kill you" he said. He took the snickers and held it in his open palm.
"They're your favourite Victor" I smiled at him and took it. He then poured two mugs of coffee and walked back into the living room. I threw the snickers bar into the bowel again and grabbed an apple.
"Put that down and eat the snicker" I heard my little brother.
"Shut up" I told him. He walked over to the counter and sat on a stool.
"Vic seriously? An apple when there's candy?" I nodded.
"An apple isn't fattening"
"Stop worrying about your weight.l dammit. You're so close to being underweight again" he told me.
"Fuck off okay? I know that. Just leave me alone" I snapped and walked up to my room again with the apple.

I can do whatever the hell I wanna do. I'm 18 now and they have to stop worrying about me. I'm not a child. All I want is to feel good about myself. That's it. Mike should just get off my back already. I stopped hurting myself for him and he shouldn't have to worry about what I eat. That's my job.
After I finished my apple and being a pissed off hormonal teenager that I am, I grabbed my laptop and turned it on grabbing my usb from my bag and plugging it in to finish off my English paper that's due tomorrow.


Sooooo what do you think is gonna happen now? Do you think Vic will start slipping again or will Mike catch him just in time?
Also did you guys hear misadventures yet? Omg it's amazing I spent the entire weekend listening to it :)

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora