Sixteen- Halloween pt.1

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Mike's POV

The first two months of school have been okay but there's days where my brother doesn't go because shit is still continuing from last year and the year before so those are the days that Bella and I walk to school. Like today. A week before Halloween and we were discussing costumes.
"I was thinking of going as like a vampire or something. It's pretty basic and easy to make" she said.
"Nope. It's your first Halloween here in SD. You're gonna go all the way"
"No I'm not. I I haven't dressed up as something since me and my sister went as the queen of hearts and the mad hatter" we got to the school and walked to her locker still hand in hand.
"Okay let's do a couples costume. Like little red and a wolf or Dorothy and the witch" I told her.
"Or Wednesday's and Morticia" she said looking up at me.
"Minnie and Mickey?"
"Okay Mike we are five" she said letting go of my hand to open her locker and place all her shit inside. We usually get here 20 minutes before the bell rings because the worst thing is getting here and having to rush to its best to come early.
"Well you do look it" I smirked. She flipped me off and closed her locker.
"You can't stay mad at me forever" I cooed putting my face mere cen away from hers.
"Yeah yeah" we walked to my locker and I shoved my shit in it before we walked outside to the bleachers. Once the first bell rings, we have 5 minutes to get to our lockers and get to class so we'd have enough time.

"So how's Vic doing?" She asked as we walked up the bleachers steps.
"I don't know to be honest. I'm hoping he's doing okay" I told her. She nodded. I sat down and she sat a bit farther before laying her head on my thigh.
"You comfy?" I asked laughing. She giggled and nodded. Since we were backed into the side, I rose her head and threw my leg over the seat so she could lay her head on my lower stomach.
"This is much more comfy" she stated.
"I would hope so" she lifted her head so she was looking at me.
"You're like a pillow" I smiled at the small thing laying on me. She was wearing a black t-shirt, navy skinny jeans and black and white vans with one of my plaid shirts tied at her waist. She was wearing it this morning but now that she's hot-she always is though but I meant like as in heat wise- her tattoo that was healed was visible. Bringing my hand to it, I traced it much like I do with her scars.
"I love this" I told her. It was defiantly beautiful. The meaning behind it and everything.
"Same. Like I told you, I wanna get her name, either birthday and death date or just the year she was born and the year she died on it" I nodded. I brought my other hand over her and put my hands together.
"I wanna get Vivian here and Victor here" I said point to my thumbs.
"That's cute. And the Victor would have a double meaning because it's both your dad and brothers name"
"Exactly. I would also get a heart over here and here" I said pointing just above where I previously pointed.
"I'm just gonna be decked out in tattoos when I grow up" I told her.
"Would you get a Harry Potter one?" She asked.
"I'm gonna get multiple. Just watch"

First bell rang and so we walked back inside the school and we kissed before going our separate ways.
Just as I closed my locker, Jordan, one of my long time friends, was right there.
"Hey hot stuff" he greeted.
"Hey sexy" I said. We had this thing, since we were in the eighth grade we would call each other something we'd call a girl.
"So I saw you sucking faces with your girl" he said as we walked to our first period class.
"So? Bro you suck Natalie's face all the time. And it wasn't even a 'suck' like you're saying. It was a kiss" I said sitting down. He sat next to me.
"Dam boy calm down"
"Sorry man"
"It's cool. So I'm guessing you like Texas a lot more then what you put out there" he said.
"Yeah. I don't know it's just different with her. She isn't like any other girl I've been with. She's different"
"In a good or bad way?" I looked at him.
"In a terrible way" I said sarcastically.
"Dam. Michael has a little bit of sass in his pants"
"Well I am related to Nick Martin" I stated. My cousin was very sassy. So is Kellin. Them combined is like Gerard Way had a child.
"Very true very true" the teacher walked in and hell begins. Or math class.


The week went by pretty fast. Yesterday was dress up day at school because Halloween this year falls on a Saturday. Me and Bella decided on being the wicked witch and Dorothy. I wanted to be her but I guess the witch is cool too. We were going to Jaime's house for a party because he's throwing a party. It obviously isn't going to be a big one because we aren't seniors but since his parents are out of town for the weekend with his younger brother, he decided why not.
I had just slipped on the black dress before putting on my witch hands. Bella was at her house putting on her makeup and stuff then she would come over and me, her and my brother would leave. I grabbed my phone and mask before heading downstairs to see if Vic was ready.

Walking downstairs, Vic is sitting on the couch looking more Mexican then ever. He hasn't shaved in about a week so it gave him a little stubble, he wore black skinny jeans and a black tank top. Over it he wore a plaid shirt and only buttoned the top button. He was also wearing a black beanie and sunglasses.
"Awe why didn't you dress up?" I asked smirking.
"I don't see the point. I'm just going as myself" he said in a sick accent.
"So what's your name? Victor?" He shook his head.
"Pablo" I nodded. The door bell rang and I went to go get it.
Standing there was Bella in here adorable outfit from yesterday. It was a mission to find it at the last minute but she looked hot in it. She even bought a wig, these weird socks and wore her highest red heels.
"Awe look at my little Dorothy" I cooed.
"I would call you cute but you're a witch so" she trailed off.
"Vic's in the living room" I said as I stood back so she could walk in.
"Hey what you talking bout me foo?" My brother asked coming into the foyer.
"What I wasn't-"
"I hear you talking, about me"
"No we were just talking and-"
"I know my name my name pancho" he said getting in my face. I couldn't help but laugh because he's 5'6 and is faking a hilarious accent right now.
"No you're name is Vic"
"You think I don't know my own name?" I started laughing
"Huh? Answer me foo!" I pushed him back a bit and saw Bella was dying of laughter.
"Let's go wait outside" I told her.
"Where you from foo!" He yelled after us.

Waiting for my brother to hurry up, we were sitting in his car.
"Your brother is my spirit animal" Bella said. I just laughed.
"I think he's a bit drunk right now" I told her. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of us saving it and posting it on snapchat. I feel bad for the people who have me added on this thing.
Vic came in his car and started it up.
"Is pancho chill?" I asked once we were on the road.
"Yes pancho is chill" he said in his normal voice.
When we got there, there weren't many cars but I knew off the bat off the soccer and baseball dudes were gonna be here plus a few other friends and their girlfriends or whatever.
We got out of his car and I took hold of Bella's hand.
"Wow goals. The first witch I've held hands with" she said.
"The first Dorothy I've held hands with"
"That was cheesy as fuck just saying" she said giggling. We walked in and were greeted by a wolf Jaime hugging us.
"Hey guys" he said. We said our hellos back to him.
"Tone is back there. He's with his girlfriend. Just look for a storm trooper" he told us.
"Where's the beer?" Vic asked.
"Vic take it easy on the drinking" I warned my brother.
"I'll be fine" he said. Jaime told him where it was and he left.
"I like this" he said pointing between me and my girlfriend.
"Thanks man. I'm just worried about my brother now. You know he barely drinks"
"I know but it's Halloween what could go wrong with a few boos?" He asked.
"I guess so" 'get fucking low' was on and Jaime pushed us father into his house. Looking in the kitchen I found Vic drinking and talking to one of his friends. Maybe tonight won't be so bad.


Halloween is here (in the book obviously because right now it's may)
Yes I dressed them up in a mixture of their costumes over the years.
Do you think Vic will be okay with the drinking?
This is part 1 of 2 so the next chapter will be Halloween as well but just at the party.

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora