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Mike's POV

Since Bella left us six years ago, a lot has happened. Pierce the veil is now official, we have our first record out called A Flair For The Dramatic, Vic is now fully recovered-touring has helped him a lot-, Bella's parents moved back to Texas, and here I am, On our off day in Dallas standing in front of my girlfriends headstone with her photo on it in black and white.

'We remember with open hearts. Isabella Paige Rodriguez

A few months after her death, her parents moved back home to Dallas to be with both their daughter since it didn't feel right to be here and them being buried somewhere else.
I bent down and placed the flowers-Her favourite ones- on her grave.
"Happy birthday baby" I whispered sitting on my knees.
I've gotten over the point where I cry every time I think of her because I know shedding tears won't bring her back although I wish it did.
"I hope you know I never stop thinking of you. It's like you're with me. I swear that I can hear you in the wind" I told the grave.
"Every time I come to Dallas I promise I'll come visit you okay?" I obviously didn't get a response so I took the silence as an 'okay' and got up walking to Delilah's and placing a teddy bear on it. I remember Bella told me she loved teddy bears so I bought one for her.

"You take good care of your sister up there okay? I love her very much Lilly" I said before standing up and walking to my rental car heading back to the motel we're staying at while we're here.
Buckled in, I turned on my car and my phone lit up since it stayed in here on the charger. The photo of me and Bella six years ago at the school's art banquet showed up. I haven't changed it since the day we took it. Granted I've gotten different photos but I always sent myself the photo so it could be my lock screen. Definitely one of my favourite photos together. I also have it framed in my room along with one of us kissing that day. In the bus I have a photo of me and her tapped in my bunk so I'm always thinking of her. Creepy I know but she was my first love. I've never felt that way about any girl before.
I set the car in drive and drove out of the cemetery.

When I got to the motel I ran to my luggage and opened it throwing everything around till I found what I was looking for. The guys weren't here since they went out to do whatever they were doing.
I sat on the floor and looked at it. The 'open when you miss me letter' Bella had given to me for Christmas one year. She made many them and slowly I've opened them, all but this one so I ripped open the red envelope and started reading.

Dear Mike,

If you're reading this, you miss me and honestly I miss you too...


The end!

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