Twenty two- Christmas Eve with the Fuentes family

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Bella's POV

I woke up Christmas Eve morning to the smell of pancakes? My parents haven't made that since Delilah's last Christmas so I got out of bed and grabbed my phone heading downstairs to be met with family.
"Morning" I announced walking into the living room/kitchen combination. Each year my family flies out to my grandparents place or to my uncles here in San Diego but I guess this gathering is being held in our house.
"Maria have you been feeding her?" My abuela asked coming over to me.
"Yes abuela I've been eating. My parents do feed me you know" I told her.
"You're so skinny"
"You should see her emo boyfriend" Derek said from the couch. Wait why is he here?
"How do you know about him?" I asked.
"I watch your snapchat stories" he stated.
"Should I feed him?" She asked. I just smiled and shook my head.
"No abuela he eats. He's just tall and naturally skinny" I explained making her nod. I grabbed a pancake and coffee and sat at the table while everyone talked about whatever they do during Christmas. Plus Mike's parents invited me over so that's where I'm going. They're apparently having a small party consisting of them four, the boys, and just a few family/friends.

After I finished my breakfast, I left towards the stairs up to my room so I could get ready. As I was pulling on my jeans, there was a knock on my door so I jumped up and then buttoned them on before going to open it squealing at who was in front of me.
"Jenna!" I screamed jumping into her arms. Thank god she caught me.
"Bells!" I finally let go and let her in my room then closed the door again.
"What are you doing here? Especially on Christmas Eve?" I asked her. Jenna was a year older then me making her 17 turning 18 in a few months meaning she was still in school which is in Texas.
"I came to visit my favourite slut. Duh" she stated jumping onto my bed.
"I missed this bed man" she said.
"I like your hair" I told her. Her once brown 'scene' hair was gone and was now blonde and shorter than I remember.
"Why thank you" I slipped on my no show socks and grabbed my phone off my bedside table.
"Come on bitch. You're coming with me to my boyfriends house" I told her. She got up and followed me down the stairs and to Mike's place where we found the two brothers in the front lawn counting who can do the most keep ups.
"Hey" I said. Vic looked up at me and then lost the ball.
"Ha! 38!" Mike shouted coming over to kiss me.
"Hey beautiful" he said.
"Hey handsome"
"That's not fair! Bella interrupted!" Vic complained.
"Boo who you big baby" I said walking over to him and hugging him from behind as he bent down to get his soccer ball making me fly.
"Get off me you bully" he said. I did as told then looked at Jenna.
"This is Jenna. Jenna this is Mike and Vic"
"Hey" Vic said. Jenna just waved. She's shy around new people even thought she's snapchated the boys before when they take my phone away.
"Sup" Mike said. She shrugged.
"So. What's with this party that we weren't invited to?" Vic asked sitting on the porch steps. Us three followed suit.
"Each year my family have this huge ass party at either my grandmothers or at my uncles and this year it's in my house. The last time I've actually stayed through the entire thing was when I was about 13. I stay at Jenna's on Christmas Eve now because it's boring" I told them.
"So you're from Texas too?" Vic asked Jenna. She nodded.
"Born and raised there" she spoke in her accent.
"That's so cool" he complimented. She smiled at him. A real, genuine smile.
"So you're coming to our party tonight right?" Mike asked pulling me into his lap. I squealed at the sudden action and nodded.
"You coming Jenna?" Vic asked her.
"I don't exactly know you boys though" she said.
"Don't worry. Come with Bella and you'll have a blast" Vic told her. She looked at me and I nodded.
"I'll think about it" we nodded since we understand how it feels to be in a group of people you don't know.
"Where do you guys wanna go till the party?" Mike asked.
"Your basement and watch movies" I said. They agreed with my childish input and we headed into their house and downstairs.

It was 6:25pm when both of us were done getting ready. Jenna had curled my hair and let it down while I did the same for her. My dress was pretty basic. It was a black short tight dress that had lace sleeves in which she made me wear. Jenna's on the other hand suited her perfectly. It was also short and black but it had silver straps and we topped them off with our favourite pair of heels.
"You ready?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door. She came out of the bathroom wearing the dress I picked for her.
"Guess who's going back to Texas in a relationship?" I asked pointing my fingers to her making her smile.
"I like your nails by the way" she said. I stopped and looked at them.
"Thank you" they weren't long like how most girls do them but they looked natural and we're all white except my ring fingers in which they were silver with a white bow on them. Mike had gone with me to get them done a few days ago and he picked the colours which were cute.

We headed downstairs to see family was all here so we said goodbye and made our way next door where cars filled the street and music was heard from outside.
"They said it was a small party" I told her as we made our way towards the door where we found the two brothers standing there. When they saw us, Mike made his way over to me and dipped me kissing my freshly applied 'cosmo' coloured Mac lips.
"You look fucking gorgeous baby" he said once I was brought back up. I looked down at his outfit. Black skinny jeans, black button up shirt and black suspenders.
"You look pretty hot yourself" I turned to Jenna to see she was already with Vic walking in. She looked back and I saw her wink at me before disappearing into the crowd.
"You said it was a few people" I told him.
"Do you know my family? This is a few" he said chuckling. He took my hand and then we made our way into the party where we found Jaime right there talking to Jessica Vic and Jenna near the staircase. Victor dad was jumping group to group making sure everyone was having a good time. Same with their mom, I could've sworn I saw Tony's mom a second ago with Becca running around. Overall there were many people. From friends parents to friends to team mates to coworkers to family, the Fuentes house hold was packed.

"Want something to drink?" Mike asked over the music. I nodded and he then left me with the small group of friends by the stairs. Soon Tony and a beautiful brunette by his side came our way.
"Hey" he said. We said our hellos to him and then he announced who the girl was. Her name was Erin and she went to Tony and Jaime's school and that they were in fact dating. Mike came back and handed me my drink before bro hugging Tony and the conversation continued over the loud music playing.
"Who's phone is playing?" Mike asked his brother.
"Uh it keeps changing. Last time I checked it was dads"
"That explains the god awful music. I'll be right back" and Mike left again going to change it to something else because I guess he doesn't like Christmas music. Soon What's My Age Again by Blink started playing and many people began to dance which was pretty funny since majority of them were smashed.

As the night went on, I kept avoiding any drinks handed to me that were in solo cups because I didn't know what they would've mixed it with and only had about 5 drinks in total. Due to Vic's lack of eating since he's still recovering, he was straight up drunk but kept drinking more and more. At some point he had made people move from the centre of the living room so he could dance in which Mike had to stop before he became a stripper.
As for Tony, well Tony somehow ended up on the roof and Jaime was sitting in the tree crying because Vic doesn't love him. I think that's what he said. Mike had multiple drinks but is still standing so I give my boyfriend props to that. At this point the girls and I are sitting in their backyard getting to know each other. I found out that Erin is in love with Star Wars, can bake, is Tony's age, and they have been dating for just over a month now. The girls(except Jenna) found out some things about me like how I want to start modelling and how I want to be a photographer when I'm older and the didn't know about my only tattoo till now.
The night overall was spent with three great girls and a lot of memories are made. Tomorrow is Christmas Day so I'm looking forward to what is brings us. 


So now it's Christmas Eve and the boys souls like they're having fun. MAYBE WERE JUST HAVING TOO MUCH FUN. MAYBE YOU CANT HANDLE YOURSELF-I'm gonna stop.
To the side/top is Jenna plus their outfits.
Let me know what you guys thought about this chapter

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora