Thirty- tell me where did she go

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Mike's POV

I woke up the next morning in Bella's room with her laying next to me still sleeping so I shook her awake and she turned around to face me and I smiled at her.
"Morning babe" I said.
"You sore?" I asked smirking. She shrugged.
"You are coming to school today right?" I asked.
"Uh no I have an appointment with my eye doctor today. I'm gonna get contacts sometime this week" she said.
"Want me to come?" She shook her head.
"No uh my mom is taking me"
"You sure?" She nodded and I got up grabbing my clothes to put them on so I can walk next door to shower.
"I'll see you later then?" She bit her bottom lip and nodded so I leaned in and kissed her forehead but when I pulled away she pulled me back in and kissed my lips.
"I love you" she said.
"I love you too babe"
"I love you Mike. A-a lot" I smiled at her and kissed her forehead Arian before leaving her room.

When I got inside, mom and dad weren't home but Vic was sitting in the kitchen, one leg crossed over the other drinking coffee. He heard me he looked up and smirked.
"Where were you last night?" He asked.
"What happened there bud?"
"We played cards" I told him dropping my bag.
"Yeah for sure. What card game did you play?"
"Gold fish" I said taking off my shirt and pants to put them in the laundry room.
"Go shower. I can practically smell the sex" he said. I laughed it off and ran upstairs to quickly shower.
After showering and getting dressed, I messaged Bella again asking if she was sure about not coming to school then ran outside where Vic was waiting in moms car-dad drove her to work so we could use her car- so I opened the door and he reversed.
"I'm still sorry about the car man" I told him as we made our way towards school.
"It's fine Mike. I told you this already"
"I know bro but I feel bad"
"Don't be. It was an accident for a reason" I sighed and plugged my phone into the car.

"Where's Bella?" My friend Jack asked as him and Tyson came over to Vic and I at the bleachers.
"She stayed home. She had an eye appointment" I told them. He nodded and they both sat down. Whenever we have nothing going on, we'll meet here and just talk about anything but lately Vic has had a lot of soccer practice and them two end up in detention or something so we haven't.
"Wait Bella is the Texas chick right?" Tyson asked. I nodded and took a bite of my pizza I bought across the street.
"How long have you two been dating?" He asked.
"Seven months"
"Dam. Mikey Fuentes has been tied down for seven months?" I chuckled and nodded.
"I wanna meet her" he said.
"You will. I'll bring her to the seniors graduation since we're going for Vic" I told him and he nodded. He had an older sister who was Vic's age and he was going to her grad.
"I'm gonna message her right now actually. See how the appointment is going" I said pulling out my phone.

Isabella's POV

After my shower, I haven't left the bathroom since. I've been sitting on the floor in batman shorts and one of Mike's muscle tank tops crying. Did I really wanna do this? Of course I did. I've had this planned since I got out of the hospital last year. The only people I didn't want to leave were Mike and Jenna. They actually cared about me. Everyone else just kinda got by life having to put up with me. I walked over to my room and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper writing something for Mike and folding it up placing it on my neatly made bed. My phone went off and I checked to see it was Mike.

Mine <3: hey babygirl how the appointment going?

I didn't respond. I just set my phone down and cried again knowing it's the last text I'll look at from him.
I turned on my laptop and sat at my desk pressing record on the screen.
"Well, this is it" I started.
"This is the end of my suffering. I know I don't mean much to many people but if I mean anything to you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I made up my mind" I wiped my eyes and sighed.
"I just don't see the point" my voice cracked. I rested my chin the the palm of my hand and looked up at nothing.
"I'm not meant for this world. I-I can't live with myself" I closed my eyes and opened them again looking at the laptop.
"I'll be fine where I am. If I even end up in heaven. I'll be with my sister so don't worry about me. I love you. Bye" I said blowing a kiss to my camera before closing my laptop.

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora