Twenty one- brother promise you won't leave me

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Vic's POV

It was now three am and I was helping my parents, Bella and Nick put all the shit away while Mike went to shower. Everyone had left not even twenty minutes ago but nick said he was gonna stay the night and the sws boys are staying in his house since he trusts them enough. How? I don't know.
"Vic you've helped enough. Go shower now too" my mom told me.
"You guys are almost done let me help" I said grabbing plates from her but she just took them away and pushed me off towards the house.
I walked up the stairs and to my room so I could grab clothes while I waited for the little princess to finish his shower. I grabbed a towel from the closet in the hallway and took notice that Mike's bedroom door was open so I peeked inside to see it was clean. Too clean for it to have been Mike who cleaned it. The water was still running so I walked in and went to look at his vinyl/cd collection he has growing.

I had three vinyls in my hands and I was about to leave when I saw his dresser was basically pouring out clothes which was the only thing messy so I decided to shove all the clothes on there when I found something. I pulled out the box noticing it was mine. From under my bed. I opened it and everything was still in there so I closed the box again and set it on the bed continuing to fix all his shit but a small bag caught my eye. What else does this kid keep in here? I removed the bag from his dresser and I swear my heart dropped. It was a clear zip lock bag and inside was white powder. Why would he have this? No no no no. Realizing what this was I shoved it in my box and ran to my room throwing it under my bed in hopes that he won't notice a zip lock bag half full of cocaine was missing from his room.

What I wanted to know was why he did it? I knew that he smoked pot-which I didn't like- and cigarettes but now cocaine? Did he willingly try it or did someone force him to? How often did he smoke it? How long has he been smoking for? Burning questions will remain unanswered for as long as I live-which may not be for much longer- because I was too scared to ask him them. To know the answers.
"Vic have you seen my-"
"Nope why?" I cut off my brother suddenly when he scared me at my door. Way to go doofus.
"I was gonna say sublime vinyl but I see it right here" he said walking into my room and over to my desk.
"Are you gonna listen to it tonight?" He asked. I nodded.
"Yeah" he nodded this time.
"Alright" he walked over to my bed and sat in front of me.
"Thanks for the party bro. I loved it" he said. I smiled at him. Looking up at my little brother I saw he was wearing shorts, a slipknot tank top and his glasses which he barley wears.
"You tired Mikey?"
"Yeah kinda. Why?" He asked.
"Your eyes are all droopy" he smiled.
"I can say the same to you" I smiled back. Ask him. No. I can't. Not yet at least.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You seem zoned out or something? Was it family over and their constant questions? Or something else?" He asked. All evening my family have been asking me questions and throwing their opinions/remarks about my weight loss and gaining it back slowly.
"Nah why?"
"I don't know. You're quite" he said. He's gonna find out sooner or later. I thought to myself. Just tell him.
"Mike?" He looked at me.

Mike's POV

"are you hiding something from me?" My brother asked. I couldn't say yes because he'll obviously wanna know.
"No why?" He's gonna find out I'm lying but I'm hoping he won't yet. I can't tell him.
"Just asking. You know you can tell me anything right bro?" I simply nodded. It felt wrong to lie to my brother. Especially after what we've gone through together. He's helped me a lot and I've done the same for him but this is my secret. Only Bella knows that and I know she wouldn't tell Vic.
"I'm uh. I'm gonna go to bed" I said getting up.
"So you have nothing to tell me?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.
"Nothing at all?" I shook my head again.
"Because I may know something you might not want me to know" he said. Shit. He knows.
"What do you know?" I asked.
"Sit" he said so I sat back down on his bed and he crossed his legs.
"So while you were showering I went to go get a towel and I noticed your room was really clean" he started.
"So I walked in" uh oh.
"I grabbed the vinyls and as I was about to leave your dresser was open" I'm so fucked.
"So I started cleaning when I found my box I'm there. Now I wanna know why it was there Mike" he said. What do I say? Oh yeah I hid it from you so you could stop slicing your skin yeah that fucking works.
"I don't know how it got in there" I said.
"Alright then. But what I do know is that you stashed this in there" he reached under his bed and opened his box revealing the drug I've been hiding from him.
"Why is this in your room" he asked sternly.
"Uh. I uh. It uh" I couldn't think. I thought he found out about the scars but I guess I was wrong. I'm in more shit with this that's for sure. He might even tell our parents.
"Because it's mine?" I said in the form of a sentence.
"Why?" He asked.
"I don't know. The pot and the cigs weren't doing anything and I wanted something else. At first it was just to start but then I kinda got addicted" I admitted.
"How long have you seen addicted for?" Should I say the truth and tell him since he got out of the mental institution? He'll think it's his fault.
"Only for a few months" I lied.
"How many?"
"Uh I think since the start of the school year" he nodded.
"You need help. You're 17 and you're addicted to drugs and drinking Mike" I nodded.
"I know I know"
"No. No you don't know. If you don't wanna openly tell mom and dad then I'll help you out" he said.
"Really?" He nodded.

"Tell your parents what?" We heard nick asked. That's when we knew we were done.
"Nothing" Vic said.
"Yeah bullshit. Tell cousin nick what's going on and what you're keeping a secret" he said coming to sit on Vic's bed.
"I'm slipping but Mike is helping me get back on track" Vic told our cousin. Why was he lying?
"Really Vic? You know you can always call when you need someone man? Don't do this to yourself" Nick said rubbing Vic's back. He just nodded.
"Don't worry about me"
"How can I not? You're my cousin. I may not be home all the time but I'll still be there for you. Both of you got it?" He said looking at me. I nodded and he smiled.
"Now. Is that all?" He asked. Wow way to be sentimental bud. We both nodded.
"You sure? No more secrets?" We nodded again.
"Alright. And I won't tell your parents but if I notice you're getting worse I will Victor mark my words sir" Vic smiled at him and Nick then left.

"Why'd you lie?" I asked
"Because it's easy for me to say I'm slipping because I haven't been recovering for very long then to have you say you're addicted to five thousand drugs" Vic explained.
"It's not five thousand. But thank you. For you know, having my back"
"If I don't save your ass, who will?" He asked making a small smile appear onto my face.
"Anything else you're keeping from me?" I shook my head.
"You sure this time? You feeling good? You're not upset? Feeling stressed out? Done something?" I shook my head.
"I'm feeling good" I told him. He nodded.
"Alright Mikey. Go to bed it's 4am okay?" I nodded and got up leaving his room and going to mine.

I should tell him but he'll think it's his fault. He'll blame himself for it. It wasn't my brothers fault. I was curious. But now that I think of it, I also miss the feeling but all the razors are in that box in his room. Where he is now. I'm sure I'll get over it by tomorrow.
I slid under the black and white comforter and turned off my bedside lamp before taking off my glasses and closing my eyes


Short chapter but I wanted to add this separately. What do you think is gonna happen now.
Will Vic find out what Mike did or will he keep it a secret?
Do you think Mike being triggered will go away?
Why do you think Vic told Nick he was slipping?
And also, I read that tangled in the great escape was written in Mike and Vic's POV's. To the side/top is the meaning of the song.

This Little Girl From Texas (Mike Fuentes love story)*Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora