Stay With Me

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A year and a half is all it took. A year and a half later he moved away, leaving me behind for a better job offer.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy for him. I wouldn't be mad at him for living his own life when I couldn't live my own. That's all I ever wanted him to do.

As happy as I was for him, I was sad that he was leaving. Besides, he was all I really had. He came by every day in the afternoon to tell me about his day. Every so often he would sit quietly in the chair next to the bed and play RuneScape.

His last day was by far the most emotional one. He had cancelled all his plans for the day and stayed with me in the hospital. Both of his hands were playing with mine at all times. He talked for hours and hours. He talked about all of the memories we had together, both bad and good.

"Do you remember... remember last year at prom... w-when we swapped clothes halfway through the dance? My suit was so big on you and I could barely even zip up the dress. A-and then, and then, I got voted prom queen while you were voted king. That was great... or what about the next night when we drove out to that clearing and stared at the stars in the back of your truck? Or when that storm knocked everyone's power out? You were terrified of the thunder so I drove up to the restaurant to stay with you until it was over because you were working the late shift that night. You kept crying on my shoulder because you were so scared." At this point he stopped, and I heard a small chuckle come from him.

"You weren't afraid of much, but thunderstorms... needles... losing me... God, Mitchie, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!" He dissolved into a sobbing mess and rested his head next to my arm on the bed. If I could have I would've wrapped my arms around him at that moment and told him that he was doing the right thing. I gave nothing to him but sorrow, and I didn't want that anymore. I wanted him to go on and live the life he always wanted.

It took him a good ten minutes to calm down to the point that he could breathe somewhat normally. "If I could stay here with you forever I would... but I can't and I am so, so sorry... I'm so... so... sorry..." He took a deep, shaky breath and placed his warm lips on my cold ones. This took me by surprise because he only ever kissed me on the cheek. I could hear the pain in his voice when he spoke his final words to me.

"Stay strong for me, okay Mitchie? You'll be out of this before you know it. One day you're gonna wake up and everything will be back to the way it was... I love you so much... hang in there"

And then?

He left.

It's been two and a half years, and that's the last I ever heard from him. Of course, his mother came to visit me occasionally when she wasn't busy. Now most days are eerily quiet. Silent except for the constant rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor that indicates that my organs are working like they should. The darkness behind my eyelids is all I'm able to see.

Well, that's how it used to be. Suddenly, there was a complete change in... well, everything. My heart started to beat a bit faster, my fingers twitched, and streams of light peaked through my eyelids.

It only took me four years to regain consciousness.

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