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I told her about my life in the past for years while my mom filled out the release forms. Mitchie sat and listened intently, becoming more interested when I started talking about when I moved two and a half years ago.

She asked about all of our old RuneScape friends, like Adam, Ross, Dan, Gary, and Kyle. I told her that I work with Adam and Ross, and that I'm still in touch with everyone else that we used to play with. I also told her about everyone else I work with, showing her pictures of them and making a mental note to show her videos we've recorded together.

She seemed happy to hear about Ross and Adam and asked tons of questions about Washington. It was always a dream of hers to go there. Maybe I could take her with me when I fly back...

My mom came back in after signing the release forms and brought in a box that I saw in the back of the car on the way to the hospital. "Mrs. Hansen was having a sale the other day. I got some clothes that looked like they would fit you. If they don't, though, we can always make some adjustments," she explained, setting the box at the end of the bed. Mitchie smiled at her.

"I really appreciate that. Thank you," she smiled. "You know, we've got twenty more minutes until you're able to be released. Maybe you could try them on right now," I suggested, shrugging. "Well, I don't see why not. Might as well kill some time," Mitchie said, sitting up completely and swinging her legs off the bed.

Her steps were a bit wobbly, so I picked up the box with one arm and put the other around her to support her weight. I led her into the small bathroom in the corner of the room and shutting the door behind her after setting the box on the sink.

"That was really nice of you, mom," I commented, sitting on the side of the now empty bed. "Oh, it's nothing. I've been doing it for years," she confessed. I smiled at her, thanking whatever higher power gave me such a caring mother.

The doorknob to the bathroom turned, and Mitchie walked out wearing a large sun hat, black flats, and a yellow and white sleeveless flowy sundress. She was biting her lip anxiously, awaiting our responses. "Does it look okay?" she asked nervously. "Okay? I'd say it looks more than okay. You look... wow..." I started to blush when I realised what I said, turning the same color red as Mitchie's cheeks after I said that.

"I appreciate the compliment. Thank you," she giggled, looking over herself once more. She twirled a bit, causing the dress to fluff up. A small sound of happiness escaped her lips when she stopped spinning, earning a grin from me. I was so happy that she was happy.

She tried on a few more outfits, but changed back into the first one by the time we left. It seemed to be her favorite. I made another mental note to take her shopping to get more clothes later. There really wasn't much in that box.

She stared out the window of the car the entire ride to my mom's place. She seemed absolutely captivated by everything, which shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. She had been unable to experience anything at all for the past four years. Of course she would be elated to see the world again.

When we arrived, she jumped out of the car and ran inside, darting from room to room to see what had and hadn't changed. I chuckled a bit at this. God, she's the cutest... I followed her into the backyard where she kicked off her shoes and ran around in the grass. Due to the sweltering heat in Louisiana, I had to take off my sweater and tie it around my waist. I left on my signature red beanie.

I ran after her and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up and spinning her around before setting her giggling self back down on the grass. I was laughing with her, completely forgetting that the past four years even happened. That is, until my phone started ringing. I stepped away and answered the call.

"What, Barney?"

"Adams just tolds me to checks in on yous, man. Don't shoots the messenger."

"I'm fine. Tell Adam that everything's... just... just fine... Actually, could you give him a message for me?"

"Sures thing, Max. Whats do you wants me to telling him?"

"Tell him that I'm bringing an old friend with me when I come back. I'll probably be making permanent arrangements for her trip to Washington."

"Yalarr. I'll dos that right away. Lets us knowing if your needing anything, okays?"

"Okay man. See ya."


I put my phone back in my pocket and glanced at Mitchie, who was looking at me curiously. "Permanent arrangements?" she said, quoting what I just told my co-worker. I sighed and took both her hands in mine, about to make a life changing decision on both of our parts.

"Mitchie... would you want to move to Washington and come live with me? I mean, right now I live with Ross and Tim, but I could get you a cheap starter apartment or we could share our own place or... it's up to you, but only if you want to," I said. Well, there's no going back now.

"Are you sure you would be okay with that, cher? I wouldn't want to invade your life where I'm not welcome..." she asked, trailing off at the end. I nodded. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it," I insisted. She bit her lip and looked at the ground, considering her options.


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