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~Max's POV~

I shut the door behind me and walked back out to the back patio, calling Adam to update him about the situation.

"Hey, Max. How's everything going?"

"Better than expected. Did Barney give you the message I told him to tell you?"

"Uh, yea. Something about permanent arrangements for an old friend?"

"Yea. I'm not sure if you'll remember this but... back when we used to do those RuneScape Machinimas. Like, I'm talking early to pre-minecraft days. There was a week that I stopped playing without telling anyone for awhile. Do you remember why?"

"Jeez, um... wasn't it like... Maxine got some serious injury... she fell into a coma, didn't she?"

"Yes, exactly. Firstly, her real name is Mitchie. Secondly, she just woke up from that coma. That's why I had to book a last second flight down here. She's doing okay as far as I can tell. I... we made plans for her to move to Washington when I fly back"

"Really? Wow, dude. That's great, I guess. I'd love to see her again, and I'm sure all the rest of the RuneScape gang would be stoked about it"

"Yea, I'm sure... I'll most likely be back earlier than expected. Maybe tomorrow at the earliest. Day after at the latest."

"Cool. Well, I have to get some stuff recorded, so I gotta go. Thanks for keeping me updated man"

"Sure thing. Later."

I pressed the 'end call' button and put my phone in my back pocket. I'm not sure how long my mom had been standing there, but she placed a gently hand on my shoulder after I finished the call. "So, you're taking Mitchie with you when you go back?" she asked. "Oh, uh, yea. She deserves a fresh start. It's always been a dream of hers to live in Washington, so we could kill two birds with one stone here," I explained, nodding. She nodded in understanding and patted my shoulder.

"Well, if there's anything you want me to do for you, just let me know, okay?" Upon saying this she went back inside, leaving me to my thoughts. Nobody's called her Maxine in a long time... I wonder if any of the other RuneScapers would want to do a big skype call to show them Mitchie again... I decided to do this, using the laptop that I brought along with me and setting up in my mom's office.

I started messaging people that we used to play with, narrowing down the list from around 20 people to a mere six, not including myself (Mithzan) and Mitchie (MaxineMytheRS). The only people that were able to join at the time were Tyler (LogDotZip), Ty (Deadlox), Taylor (AntVenom), Tyler (MunchingBrotato), Adam (Skythekid), and Ross (House_Owner). It took almost an hour to get the whole thing organized considering it was extremely last minute, but I eventually got everyone in the call.

Z: "Okay, everybody here me okay?"

A: "I can hear you"

L: "Clear on my end"

D: "Yep"

M: "Cool beans"

S: "I can hear you"

H: "Crystal clear, man"

Z: "Alright. I'm really sorry guys. I know this is super last second, really rushed, but it's important. At least, to me it is"

A: "Sure, man. What is it?"

Z: "I already talked to Adam about this, like, an hour ago, but... there was a time four years ago that I stopped playing RuneScape altogether"

L: "That had to do with Maxine, didn't it?"

Z: "Yea, i-it did... on my birthday four years ago she was in a wreck and fell into a coma. Yesterday, they um... sh-she started to show signs that there was a possibility of her coming to and... hold on a second"

I stood up from the desk, leaving the office for a brief moment to check up on Mitchie. She was sitting up on the bed, jotting something down on a piece of paper. "Hey, Mitchie. If it's not a bother, could you possibly come meet me in the office? I wanna show you something," I said, biting my lip. She smiled at me. "I'll be there in just a minute. Give me one second," she said, continuing to write on the paper. I nodded, then ran back to the office.

Z: "Sorry about that. So anyways, I booked a last second flight down to Louisiana late last night just in case. I-I wanted to be there if she woke up. I wanted to be the first thing she saw. I wanted to know if she remembered anythi-"

Mitchie walked into the office, brushing her hair out of her face with delicate motions. She quirked an eyebrow, curious as to what I was doing.

Z: "And she did. She came to around five hours ago, and now we're at my mom's house for awhile. She's okay, I'm okay, everything's okay... she's agreed to move to Washington with me. She'll be moving whenever I fly back, which will be very soon. Mitchie, you wanna say anything?"

Her eyes scanned the computer screen, reading over the familiar names of our old friends. Her lips spread into a huge grin, recalling all of the memories we've had with them.

X: "Don't put me on the spot like that, Max! I'm gettin' all flustered!"

A: "Maxine! Oh my god, you really are okay!"

S: "Her name's Mitchie, guys. Respect that"

X: "Oh, I really don't mind. I'm accustomed to either one"

D: "Dude, this is trippy"

H: "Wait, you're moving to Washington?"

X: "Yes, and I know you live there, as does Adam and many others. Max already told me. Goodness, I missed being able to play and talk with you guys"

M: "We missed you too, Mitchie"

I looked at her, and her cheeks were flushed. I couldn't help but chuckle. She's just so cute when she's embarrassed...

H: "Yo, I actually really have to go, so I'll talk later. Mitchie, I'm super stoked about you coming to Washington. We'll totally have to catch up when you get here"

X: "Sure thing, sweetheart"

H: "Alright, peace"

Everyone else stayed for another five minutes before leaving to record videos. Mitchie was grinning, biting her lip, and looking at the floor. "That was quite the surprise, Max. I really wasn't expecting that."

"Well, I thought you would enjoy it. Besides, I think it's about time I show you what I do for a living nowadays."

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