Don't let a textiles student and a budding cosplayer near your washing.

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"Hello, there, what can we do for you?" Rachel asked, blowing the nail varnish on her fingers as she opened the door to a grumpy Naru and silent Lin, both armed with two bag of unknown contents.

"Our washing machine broke." Naru stated, agitated. Rachel raised her eyebrows expectantly, glancing towards Lin who just shook his head at the blunt attitude of Naru.

"So what am I suppose to do about it?" She laughed, making the teen even more annoyed.

"Can we borrow yours?"

"Can we borrow yours.....?" Rachel repeated, drawling the last words out.

"Can we borrow yours, please."

"There we go, that wasn't hard was it?" She said, leading the two inside. "Maybe I should text Madoka and let her know of the news. Naru was polite! She might faint with surprise!" Lin stifled a laugh as Naru shot the two angry glares.

"So, can we trust you with this?"


"Me and Lin have a case, can you handle this?"

"No way! Who am I, your maid?!" The statement fell on deaf ears as the duo left, closing the door behind them. Sighing, she turned to face the large pile of washing, wondering why it was so big and why she had to deal with it. Deciding to call her friend, Ashleigh to help her she searched for her phone.

"Hello?" The familiar voice answered.

"Hey, Ashleigh, I need your help."

"Sure! What's the sitch'?"

"Dude, Kim Possible is not your identity. I have Naru and Lin's washing at my house." When her friend didn't reply, she added "Want to help me re-vamp their wardrobe?"

"Yes! I'll go get my sewing kit!" She heard the girl squeal. Moments later, she had arrived with the full sewing kit and various embellishments.

"I think Lin would be a good Sebastian, don't you think?" Rachel giggled as she cut out the patterns for Lin's tailcoat.

"Yes! He has the hair already!" Ashleigh agreed.

"What's Naru's style?"

"I think Naru needs to add some colour into his wardrobe! Colour in the form of graphic t-shirts and skinny jeans!"

Later on, Naru and Lin arrived to pick up their belongings after a complicated case which had required the assistance of the other members of SPR, save from Yasu, Ashleigh and Rachel who were revising for their college exams. Some more than others.

"Here's your washing~!" Rachel sung, handing the two men their laundry with a smile.

"Thanks." They replied, feeling suspicious of why extra help was needed and why they were wearing such goofy smiles.

"Bye~ See you tomorrow~" They waved.

"Well I had better get home. I need to be there to let Monk in."

"Oh~ You invited Monk over, did you?" Rachel teased, poking Ashleigh in the shoulder. She blushed, hiding her face.

"Yeah, he said he'd help me study and in return I would bake for him." She conferred, implying take-outs were being ordered as the meal as she couldn't cook elaborate meals.

"A study date hu? Get in there! Maybe we should alert Mai to use this tactic to get close to Naru!"

"It sure could work, but Naru might be a smart ass with his on going knowledge of everything."

"True. True. Still, Mai seems to know what to do with Mr Know-it-all. I shall have to text her later, bye~!"


When Ashleigh arrived back to her home, she was embarrassed to see Monk already waiting for her.

"Curse my short legs and walking speed." She whispered.

"Hello," Monk smiled.

"I'm so sorry you had to wait! I was helping Rachel with something!" Monk shook his hands and smiled again.

"No worries, shall we?" He gestured to the door. Ashleigh unlocked it and they made their way to her flat.

"What's with the devilish grin? What are the Chuckle Brothers planning now?"

"Oh, don't worry. You'll find out tomorrow!" She winked.

~The next day~

"Hey, where's Naru and Lin?" Monk asked, glancing towards the two giggling girls who were currently shaking with laughter in the corner.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," John replied nervously. Mai and Masako were also looking a bit nervous at the disappearances of their boss and his assistant.

"I hope their alri-" Mai's worried sentence came to a halt as she saw Naru and Lin-or rather, Naru and Sebas-chan -appeared in their new attire.


"I didn't know you liked Black Butler, Lin!" The two turned to Rachel and Ashleigh for an explanation.

"Never dump your laundry on someone else!" Rachel said.

"Especially when they're into textiles and cosplay!"

A/N: Hello, I don't think I have put an author's note on this story yet, so I would just like to say thank you for reading! Votes, comments and fans are appreciated! Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji is owned by Yana Toboso and I just referenced it. 'The Chuckle Brother's' joke is a reference to my Ghost Hunt fanfic which this story is based off.  You can read it here:


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