Car drive

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"Oh let me tell you 'bout the sad man! Shut up and let me see your jazz hands, remember when you were a mad man, and hit the party with the gas can, kiss me you animal!" The otherwise silent garage was filled with the slightly offset singing of Ashleigh as she and the other members of SPR waited for the flat tyres to be fixed.

"I told the witch doctor I was in love with you, du nu nu nu! I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice! And then the witch doctor he gave me this advice, he said that ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bin ba-"

"Will you be quiet for one minute, please!" Naru growled, trying to fix the tyre.

"Fine...I'm gonna go buy some food, anyone wanna join?"

"Yeah, you coming to, Mai?" Rachel asked.

"Sure!" An the trio headed into the shop.

"Gum, milk bottles, aand-oh! Cookie dough ice cream!"

"Do we really need all this?" Mai asked warily as Rachel loaded the trolley with more food.

"Yes. It's a long ride and we're gonna get hungry." She shrugged. Meanwhile Ashleigh was trying to get the checkout girl to sell her spoons.

"We don't have plastic spoons, we have spoon-forks though." She said.

"Those'll do!" The check out girl smiled and packed the items into the bag.

"We bought sporks!" Rachel yelled throwing her hands in the air, sending Mai into a fit of giggles.

"Why sporks?" Lin asked.

"They didn't have spoons."

"Why spoons?"

"We bought everyone ice cream." Rachel stated as everyone rushed to get their favourite flavour. The group day down, eating as the tyres got fixed.

"Uh, Ashleigh..." Mosako whispered.

"Yeah?" She replied, turning to face her.

"I need to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to go alone, will you go with me?"

"Sure." Mosako smiled.


"No problemo, hey guys we'll be back in a minute!" She called out.

"Where are you going?" Naru asked.


"Don't get locked in again!" Ayako snickered.

"Hey that was not funny! I had to climb over the door!"

Ashleigh sat on the edge of the sink, swinging her legs.

"So, you and Monk...' Mosako said slowly, washing her hands.


"Are you know...a couple?'


"But you like him?" She quesioned.

"Yes," Ashleigh rellied, blushing.

"You should ask him out!" Mosako smiled.

"Really? I mean there's a bit of an age difference..." She said quietly, expecting the other to be in hearing distance.

"It's not that big and I think you suit!" She replied searching for the van as they returned to the parking space. She turned round, her face full of worry.

"Where is everyone?!"

"Oh my god they left us!" Ashleigh shouted, very offended. Mosako began panicking, listing all the ba things that could happen, ashleigh, on the other hand was listing all the bad things that would happen to the others when they realised they had left them.

The pair sat on the edge of the road, listening to music and eating the remaining ice cream when the oh so familiar van pulled up in front of them.

"Oh my gosh we're so sorry!" Iyako stammered. Mai looked worried, Monk looked guilty, Rachel and John were laughing and Naru was smirking. Lin was watching from the safety of the drivers seat. Monk grabbed the two girls and pulled them into a group hug. Ashleigh curled her arms around him and smiled.


"Guess we preferred the silence over your singing," Naru said indifferently, walking off to the van. Ashleigh gasped and smushed the ice cream pot over Naru's head.

"I'm not that bad!" He raised an eyebrow.

"I am offended!" She gasped, storming off to the van followed by Rachel and Mai, who were holding each other up for fear of collapsing in laughter.

"Can I have a spoon please?" Naru asked.

"No," Ashleigh replied smugly.

"Why not?"

"We don't have spoons."

"Fine then, can I have a 'spork' then."


"Why not?"

"You don't deserve a spork."

"How am I supposed to eat?"

"That doesn't concern me." Ashleigh said, mimicking Naru'a voice.






"Looser looser double looser." Naru sighed, clearly irritated.

"We'll just have to leave you at the garage again!"


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