Cold? I'm freezing. Part 2

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"Tell me, why are we sat here when there's a perfectly good cafe over there?" Ayako huffed, puffing out her cheeks. Mai laughed and jogged to join her two 'sempais' who were leading the gang to the perfect spot on the pebbled beach to eat their chips and sip on the hot chocolate that they had bought at the cafe both Ayako and Masako were staring longingly at.

"Here!" They called out and both collapsed to the floor, huddling into their jackets. The team followed suit, sitting down and staring out into the sea.

"Is this it?" Naru sighed, impatiently.

"What else do you want to do? Go swimming?" The two grinned and headed towards the boring teen (A.N/ I'll be the next case SPR covers if Naru ever reads this), dragging him towards the cold and rough waves, laughing all the way.

"Let go, now." He spat, turning to Lin in an effort to escape. Lin turned the other way and pretended not to hear, sending everyone into a fit of laughter.

"Your bodyguard isn't here to save you now~!" Rachel cackled as Naru got closer and closer to the icy water-he could taste the salt as they swung him into the waves.

"Bodyguard?" Lin raised an eyebrow and edged towards the two British girls, looming over them with a menacing aura.

"Lin, my pal, my bestie, that's the most emotion I've seen you show in all these years!" Ashleigh grinned nervously, dashing suddenly towards Monk who was crying as the scene unfolded.

"W-woah, don't bring me into this fight, I'm against violence!" He put his hands out in defence as the short blonde cowered behind him.

"Says the one who kicks the doors down in every case! Protect me with your Buddhist powers!" Lin edged closer to Rachel who still had a hold of Naru.

"Don't move! Or the ghost hunter gets it!" She called out, pointing a finger at Lin who laughed (A..N/ The end is near) and grabbed her, throwing the girl over his shoulder and lunging for her partner in crime.

"NO! We were joking! Joking! We would never harm Naru, much! Don't chuck us in the water! The British can't deal with extreme temperatures!" The girls of the team gasped as Lin swung them and...put them back down, heading to the van with a very pissed off Naru.

"We're going shopping, hurry up." He said and a heavy silence fell on the group.

"Hold me.." Ashleigh sighed, pretending to faint.

"I thought I was going to die." Rachel cried out, running to John who was in shock, much like the rest of the team at the event.

"Shopping!" Ayako called out and headed to van along with everyone else.

Maybe Lin was allergic to chips?

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