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Worked at a small bakery on the east wing of an outdoor shopping center. She had her hair in two pig tailed braids with bows at the ends, and every time someone thanked her for her services, she'd curtsy.

Signe also noticed Mark and Jack immediately as they entered the small shop. Upon seeing Jack her eyes lit up and her smile grew at least three times its original size. And Mark wanted to walk out right then and there. Instead, he stayed by Jack's side and acted as if the painting of a cat devouring a doughnut on the wall was more interesting than anything else.

"T'here she is," Jack pointed out in a hushed voice, fluffing his hair in the front. "How do I look?"

Mark turned to face his best friend, tempted to lie. But he couldn't. Jack looked good, and if he were a girl he'd already have fallen in love.

"I'd go gay for you."

"I t'hought ya already did," Jack winked and adjusted his glasses once more before heading to the counter. Mark stood back, watching it all unfold.

Signe ran from behind the counter, arms stretched out. Once she reached Jack, she leapt into his arms like they haven't seen each other in years. And Jack, being the romantic he was, spun her around in the air. She threw her head back, giggling and happy.

Sean stopped spinning and set her back onto the ground before grasping her hand. He kept his eyes locked on hers before lifting her hand up to his mouth and giving it a small peck. She blushed, taking her hand from Jack's to hold his face between her palms.

And Mark didn't want to watch. He didn't want to observe. He didn't want to see. But he kept looking, forcing himself to witness as Signe leaned forward and pressed her lips against Jack's.

He was tempted to call her boss and report her. But that'd be petty, and he already told jack that he was happy for them.

It's been two weeks. Two.

Mark adjusted his glasses, turning to find a small table to sit at. His mind grew fuzzy and he was a bit nauseous, probably from not eating much for breakfast. But lately, Mark wasn't even hungry.

Last night Jack bought the two of them a large pizza with extra cheese, Mark's favorite. And yet he only ate once slice, and it was a forced consumption. He just wasn't hungry.

The chair across from his own was pulled out from under the table and Jack plopped down in front of him. His lips were still lightly stained pink from his pda but he didn't seem to mind. What got Mark the worst, was Jack's smile. It was so genuine. It didn't even look like Jack was trying. The smile was so natural and bright, and it sickened Mark.

"She just has t' deal with t'his one costumer and t'hen she can leave." Jack informed and Mark slumped in his chair, he hoped the costumer took forever.

However, it was only about two minutes before Signe joined them. She was slowly unbraiding her hair, her eyes glazed over as she greeted them. Well, more like greeted Jack. She mostly just nodded at Mark.

Once she was finished shaking out her hair, wavy golden locks falling perfectly onto her back, she smiled up at Jack. A silent moment passed between the two and it bothered Mark to be excluded.

"I gotcha somthin', Sean." Signe held out her hand for Jack to take and then told him to close his eyes. And without an invitation for Mark, she stole Jack away to behind the counter into the kitchen.

Mark's heart sank to the pit of his stomach, an ache of loneliness setting in as he looked around. Couples sat at small tables, old and young. Two teens shared a small cake, a girl with bright green eyes and a boy with dark blues. She laughed at something he said before wiping some icing off of the cake and dotting his nose. They kissed. Mark closed his eyes.

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